The Age Rolled Slowly Past & I Found Myself Alone ~ The Human War Hero:
For Virtual Kingdoms sake I've begun a solo journey with one of the personalities in the template. It's interesting in monarchy alone. Early on I spent some time answering questions from various kingdoms. My initial restart was as a random so I chose a persona/race appropriate to helping a small kingdom. My experience in the lower tier has taught me a thing or two about undead conversion strikes. Oftentimes economy is the ailment and the ability to march comes in handy.
Upon transfer to a kingdom, dark and abandoned, I decided to stay with the strategy to see how it fairs in the open field.
Attacks come almost daily; some days are worse than others. Fortified stance is no deterrent for undead conversion strikes so it's just part of the scenery. Most undead are fine with an amicable trade of elites for war spoils. ToG obviously has great utility and keeping a loose ratio of army prevents overpopulation and poor gold yield.
I've made a deal with a kingdom to steal my food so I try to keep an abundance available. We had to draw the line at runes so I was forced to erect watch towers to send a polite message. I've had a few kingdoms ask about my status and they've been friendly enough to allow me to grow a little in their midst. Part of my challenge is a mode of conduct to only retal and explore. I could make a good living cleaning up inactives for my neighbors but I felt this was too easy and I didn't want to be considered a threat to the tiniest kingdoms.
As you can imagine a rainbow build would best serve, but it's difficult to accumulate resources and to keep a build balanced with attack regularity. Sometimes I've been forced to rush build guard stations to absorb immenent trad marches due to my war spoil retaliation. This slows my progress because I can't simply run a huge economy. I have but one ceasefire and this was due to the generosity of the steward of Famous Last Words. A noble soul.
Again, as a challenge I'm not seeking ceasefires, but it's a curtesy I would never refuse. It's a matter of chivalry and honor. The question are, can I grow without being aggressive? Is there a place for peaceful coexistence in the bowels of Utopia? - The projection amplified: can a 25er built like The Virtual Kingdom establish itself in relative peace? So far the answer is yes, as long as you're vigilant about retaliation.
One of the undead was making a second conversion volley so I knew I had to discourage the behavior. This was the only time I did both war spoil trad march and ambush. The point was to kill his elites. I was forced to this decision because he was growing and showed signs of hitting down. I wasn't trying to teach a lesson as much as keep an aggressive force in my wheelhouse. I messaged him honorably and he agreed the gains weren't worth it and he didn't like my polite rhetoric lol. So, for now, he's not harassing.
Time to go grocery shop. I hope I have the will to continue recording my experiences. This kingdom is also a hiatus from the road and travel I've done for several ages.