Originally Posted by
Virtual Divisions:
While we are saddened to see any reputable kingdoms struggle to survive to the point of breakup we must turn our attention to the possibility of a new life here in The Virtual Kingdom. I've been contacted by a number of players this age in failing kingdoms. It pulls my heart strings because primarily I've been a volunteer to help kingdoms in distress.
Instead of happenstance migration we could work toward a kingdom that both offers these kingdoms the muscle of relevance and the opportunity to preserve the culture that made them reknown contenders. Here we allow these kingdoms to function in the tight synergy of their best 8 players, independently as a division. Obviously there's a kingdom theater strategy that all 3 divisions work toward, but individual identity is at the forefront of the ideal.
The evolution of The Virtual Kingdom began as a celebration of the game in it's diversity. We celebrate this in the pageantry of each division having one representative of each personality and race. It's been mentioned here before, but I believe we need to ring this bell to enlighten those who are struggling. We have a kingdom culture. We have divisional culture.
The evolution of divisions is directly related to my experience trying to help fragmented kingdoms. It's time to stop fighting to recruit and have it be our strength. I'm asking the few that hang on through thick and thin to join 2 other kingdoms fighting the same recruitment battle. It may seem a compromise at first to merge and sacrifice total power. It may seem a compromise to diversify your division equally by personality and race, but consider the long view.
By offering each player a specialized role we entice their desire to shine in their own way in a team environment. This is about active team oriented players hand picked by each of the 3 kingdoms. You then have 2 other divisions to learn from, to teach to and to compete with. We are passionate about the strat despite the strat. Learn as I have that it will become important in the right way rather than a liability.
I want you to look at the 2 top kingdoms fighting for the land crown, CR vs Pyro. How far off are we? Look at the competition with homogenous cores and you'll note the pattern of winning has been by these 2 strats. And these are top kingdoms honed to razor sharp efficiency. Behold the balance in the attacker core here in The Virtual Kingdom. Behold the balance in the t/m core. I'm not saying it's superior I'm saying we have balance and we have player attention.
I'm not throwing American Badass under the bus, but wouldn't you say his desire to play has been heightened since losing his faery to PK? We can joke, but as the CR strat became more balanced the more impressive the victories have been. Players that feel they make a difference tend to make a difference.