This is a strategy I came up with that I really wanted to use and think will be very strong (especially this age)...but since our KD didn't want to do it...I just wanna throw the idea out there.

25 Avian/War Hero

I've experimented with attacking from fort stance into fort stance. What do you get?
Comparison: Normal to Normal - Fort to Fort
Acres: 100 - 25
Honor: 60 - 50
Credits: 300 - 300

What does that mean?
You get 2 honor per acre (instead of .6)
You get 12 credits per acre (instead of 3)

So what's the point?
Avian/War Hero fort stance training time
-80% -- 12 credits per acre = 12 epa (-losses from hospitals = more credits than you need to maintain offense and even grow with the small incoming acres)
Using War Spoils, you can immediately train your new acres to grow with your attacks
Avian Attack Time boost helps considerably
Who cares if you can't train specs with credits? Specs are so cheap! Especially in fort stance at a 210gc cost.

At 2 attacks per day, you're making about 500-700 honor per week. But also staying slim and completely war pumped. Within 6 weeks, it's highly possible to have a KD full of Viscounts/Counts -- all with the 2x bonus. Do this until you're satisfied - go to prince if you need to (though a war would help at some point).

NOW, you start looking for war (or keep farming honor, up to you). We all know what happens when you "chain" an avian...they bounce back so fast and keep going. Additionally, they have those bonuses and +sabotage dmg. But you can't let them all grow? Then you just die...

Additionally, the entire KD is immune to effects of Dragon. The entire KD is immune to effects of Plague (I have a feeling Undead will be popular this age). Sure...go ahead and ambush them in war -- they keep their honor and hit harder. You're also at a catch 22 with anon. Don't anon when you hit them, they can ambush/trad you and be back to trad you again before your army is back. (With the except of Dwarf Tactician...) But there aren't too many of those this age.

Question 1: Should this be in the strategy thread? If so...sorry :S
Question 2: Thoughts? There are still 24 hrs for an ambitious KD to do this. I really think it's strong.