Mortal races of Utopia, hark!

Have you done your part to fight the Undead menace this age? Everyone can help stop these monsters by taking down the most unholy of these abominations. Henceforth, the most powerful Undead province in the realm is known as: "The Lich-King"! Though the hidden masters of the realm prevent me from revealing the Lich-King's location, he can easily be found by brave adventurers:

  1. Select "Rankings" tab
  2. From "Top Provinces in the World (Net Worth)" choose "Undead"
  3. Whoever is on the top of the resulting list is the reigning Lich-King

Only the strongest heroes will be able to attack the witch-king directly, but those who try will go down in the Annals of Utopian history most glorious heroes to ever walk the realm! Bringing down this foul monster will bring greater honor than any crown or chart!

This crusade calls is everyone! If you have ever suffered the scrouge of plague, rise up! Even the smallest province can take part with holy Fireballs and divine Lightining! If they have any honor, Lich-King's own kingdom-mates should seek to cast out the taint of undead evil from their kingdom!

Down with the Lich-King!