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Thread: eow fortified

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    eow fortified

    Does it last 3 days? is eow the same as fortified ? The reason I am asking is we just settled war & my build time is like it always is :( so eow fortified is much different??? -50% Construction time and cost is what the guide says :)

  2. #2
    Forum Fanatic
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    Sep 2008
    EOWCF can last up to 4 days,thats up to your monarch when it ends.might ask him for the date


    Fighting the world back Proudly since Age 35


  3. #3
    Post Demon
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    Nov 2011

    -50% gains hitting in (slides in over a period of 24 hours)
    -50% gains on magic and thievery ops in(slides in over a period of 24 hours)
    -40% Military training time and cost
    +40% Draft speed
    -50% Construction time and cost

    3 days maximum duration
    -50% gains hitting out
    -50% gains on magic and thievery ops out
    +500% Explore costs
    No Paradise spell available
    Science limited to "Active"

    EOW CF:

    End-of-War Ceasefire
    After a war ends, neither kingdom may have any relations for an Utopian Month and are automatically placed in a 12 hour end-of-war ceasefire. During the ceasefire both kingdoms remain in war relations, thus retaining the protection benefits while rebuilding. After 12 hours, the kingdoms have the choice either to end the ceasefire or to wait up to an additional 84 hours. This choice is independent of the other kingdom.
    During this ceasefire, both sides benefit from:
    * All land currently out with armies at war end returns home immediately.
    * Instant population growth of 20% of your max pop if you are under 50% of your max pop
    * +500% Birthrate
    * 30% reduction in training costs of all troops.
    * Draft cost reduced 50%

  4. #4
    Forum Fanatic
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    chillin in the sun
    eowcf != fortified

    you can, however, set stance during eowcf, and fortified stance DOES fade in despite war stance - so you can set fortified 24 hours before eow and come out with full protection. (additionally, this counts towards the maximum duration of fortified stance and the duration before you can switch stance again, as mentioned below, so you only get two days of fortified instead of three).

    eowcf itself is a different thing, and supercedes other stances/relations (except NAP, and as mentioned all timers associated with stance change and fortified will be effective).
    edit2: and of course, during eowcf all of the normal war effects still apply (increased exploration cost, science limited to active, -75% gains hitting in and out, etc.)
    Last edited by noobium; 27-10-2014 at 18:22.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I think it should be noted that noobium is correct but people should realize it counts towards max fort duration as well and 24 hr stance swap timer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    burk we are in eowcf & we can only set science at active & what u have posted above about eowcf says we have full science????

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    EOWCF is still technically war which means all this applies:


    +500% Exploration Costs
    No Paradise spell available
    Science limited to "Active"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    EOWCF allows you to have abbreviated stances after your war. What I've seen a lot is going Normal for 1 tick just to explore or steal and then going into Fort right away.

  9. #9
    Forum Fanatic
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    chillin in the sun
    Quote Originally Posted by Andurilas View Post
    EOWCF allows you to have abbreviated stances after your war. What I've seen a lot is going Normal for 1 tick just to explore or steal and then going into Fort right away.
    Normal -> Fortified after eowcf is a huge leak ghetto kingdoms often make.
    You're better off exploring in eowcf - if you explore your acres within the first 24 hours, you will have paid off the gc cost of exploration before eowcf ends, and made a profit if you stay in fortified stance afterwards.

    The reason you don't do normal -> fort is because kingdoms will pick up on acre growth (checkable via munk tf or by merely making observation) and pick up on attacks you make (snatch news, and of course the kingdom you attack will be well aware and quite ready to retaliate). The period when a kingdom retreats into fortified stance is the most vulnerable period, especially if you were planning to sit in fortified stance for long enough to be profitable; since you wouldn't want to go into war build, you're essentially giving people a free wave, or even two free waves, that you can't do much about.
    Normal -> Fortified is a very high risk move, and the rewards are rarely worth it. However, exiting normal in a scipump/growth build and staying there a while, and then heading into fortified, can work; say you wanted to raise your science levels in normal stance, you would take a day or two on extreme science, then fall back into fortified stance. Exploring or attacking during this pump period is optional, but doing it this way you will at least have the option of retaliation and a reasonable position for declaring war.
    You may lose acres in the transition to fortified, but you would have gained some valuable science, and if you were able to gain acres and secure cfs in your size range, you would at least reduce the damage done by people hitting you during this vulnerable period.

    The best use of post-war fortified stance at the end of eowcf to extend the duration of pumps; train the last of your army the minute fortified begins, and reset your buildings to whatever you want them to be. Within 8 hours, if someone hits into your fortified stance, you can exit fortified and retaliate, and it takes 12 hours for the last of your training to complete. You can stretch out the fortified period for longer, and kingdoms will USUALLY leave you alone; note that even if you change to fortified only 6hrs before eowcf ends, other kingdoms will have no way of discerning when you switched stance unless they hit into you, but if you give away any indicators of normal stance, kingdoms can and will find these indicators.
    Even with maximized fortified stance, kingdoms can hit into you without fear of immediate retaliation, but by optimizing your pump you will be better able to hit back for better gains.

    Basically, if you exit war in fortified stance, you would want the option to change stance right away, otherwise you leave yourself way too vulnerable. There are much better ways to grow quickly, doing it that way is generally going to get caught, especially if you do it once you're in the range of growth kingdoms. Maybe at the very bottom of the charts, other kingdoms aren't likely to pay attention to your growth, and later in the game the kingdoms that are looking for acres will have all grown far outside your range; but the vulnerability to plunder and theft is still way too much, so you would need a plan to put any large gc stockpiles to work.

    One of my preferred methods for plundering is to monitor which kingdoms have recently left eowcf, and if I can notice anything that suggests them going to normal -> fortified, I'm far more likely to attack them than just about any other kingdom, because the rewards are far greater and the risk of immediate retaliation is minimal.
    Last edited by noobium; 27-10-2014 at 19:10.

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