Good war!

The outside razes were annoying of course, but that's about all they were. Spartans was a tough opponent and we almost came back from the bad start - but we need to get our TMs in line cause I was the only one running MS... D: lol You can tell by the honor. If not for the pre-war hit from one of those big KDs and the oversend at dragon (before the WD, I sent before reading our vote) I would be duke lol

Lot of fight in Spartans - best of luck for the rest of the age. Just please try to honor personal requests from the KDs you war next time. (Like asking to not be broadcast in the forums - that's a pretty big one...) Don't want to go to much into this because I don't want to reveal Spartans tactics/strategy. But definitely some new tactics I saw from other wars and I learned quite a lot!! ^_^ Good stuff, keep fighting and win that WW chart!