Quote Originally Posted by Nightmare_ View Post
Don't rewrite history. I know this because I was THERE, in IRC, as we sat in EOWCF pondering next moves. People should ask themselves -- why didn't AMA offer Sanc CF at all? Because we were going to dodge. Ding ding ding. And then we act surprised when Drug, in his drunken stupor doesn't log in to train and gets all his GC stolen. Which KD wouldn't steal, when given the chance? Well, at least there's justification now, and we have the excuse to act all self-righteous.

If I was Havoc, I would've waved us too. :) AMA was just as dirty as the rest, except that we pretended not to be. Whatever precedents came out of it doesn't matter too much to me. I don't butt in too much into this business but I see this scenario justified over and over again. Abs is the evil one? Spare me.
Did you play in ama that age?