Quote Originally Posted by Chrystal Palace View Post

July 23 of YR8 551,038 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
July 23 of YR8 519,906 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
July 24 of YR8 238,319 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
January 2 of YR9 216,917 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
January 2 of YR9 211,277 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
January 5 of YR9 Shadowlight has revealed that Big Town (QQ guys stew) was responsible for this attack.
January 5 of YR9 11,753 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
January 5 of YR9 11,754 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
January 5 of YR9 25,188 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
January 5 of YR9 We have found thieves from Big Town (QQ guys stew) causing trouble within our lands!
January 5 of YR9 11,754 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
January 5 of YR9 We have found thieves from Big Town (QQ guys stew) causing trouble within our lands!
January 5 of YR9 16,789 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
January 5 of YR9 16,790 gold coins were stolen from our coffers!
January 5 of YR9 We have found thieves causing trouble within our lands. Unfortunately, we know not where they came from.

I'm not associated with any of this and am just passing through, but if I saw that in my news, I don't think I would conclude that the guy I caught on the 5th was the same guy that had lifted the initial 2mil. It looks like the guy who took the first million was out of stealth. The next tick he had enough stealth to grab a little more. Two ticks later he had enough stealth saved for two more grabs. I mean, why else would he stop after two successful 500k and then one successful 200k, followed by two ticks and two successful 200k grabs. Then only three ticks later he has enough stealth for ten ops and is satisfied with 10-15k a shot? I don't think so.

Not to mention that if those little guys had enough thieves to grab 500k/op, I don't think they'd fail so much on the 5th.

If it were me, I'd gather all province news together from your kingdom and see who was really taking the bulk of the gc.

That being said, if these guys' MO is to steal from the top (even if a small amount), report you to Bishop when no rules have been broken, and threaten to leave the game, maybe a couple green provinces would do them some good.