Quote Originally Posted by LoRD_SaMPuaN View Post
apart from errors & stuff, the main setback of playing from a mobile is the length every small task takes.. im yet to use this app as i have an iphone, but if it has well-thought shortcut configuration it must be extremely helpful.. we had to remove 2-3 players in the past few ages, only because they were mobile-only players & every task given to them was taking 5-10 mins, it was pretty much unmanagable esp. during waves..
Hasn't been a a problem for me. They must've been using a Second rate carrier with throttled data plans, or using a 3g phone. Playing on mobile is so Haney I wouldn't use pc again. I can set alarms for when my army gets in, or when spells expire that send myself a text letting me know what I need to do, (attack, cast MS on so and so) while keeping in touch with the gang on Facebook. I do t even have to slow down what I'm doing. 30 seconds, cast, send out, back to business.