Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
First off you have to look at your sources, most media outlets take small segments of what he says and runs with it trying to smear him. Second off he answers, what if questions like the abortion question that get people all fired up.
Trump has no experience in elected office. There is nothing to go on except what he says. If he says crazy s__t that frightens people then we should be afraid.

Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
Lastly if you look at only one part of his plan it's not viable but if you add his entire plan together it makes alot of sense. l
Trump's overall plan for the economy is to cut taxes and continue spending. I can decline overtime at work(or take time off) and then also buy expensive merchandise. This idea makes sense. Eating lots of pie appeals to many people. Eating the pie does "make sense". If someone starts talking about eating a pie and still saving it for later then it is time to question judgements. A statement "I will eat pie" is coherent but that will not make it nutritious.

Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
. That includes defending other countries and the expense it cost us. Did you know we actually pay foreign countries to defend them? We rent the land our bases are built on and even pay for use of their roads. It's just like NATO why do we pay most of the bill for a group that's totally useless and never aids us. Let them pay for it themselves. Hopefully you understand his policy standing makes alot of sense financially when it comes to defense. If another country wants our protection they actually have to pay for it. So with this simple policy change he just saved the USA billions. In many ways he might have created a revenue stream.
Compare defending Tokyo from 1945 to 2005 and defending Guam/Manila/pearl 1922 to 1942. A lot of naval historians wrote detailed books on this topic. I believe your suggestion to use the U.S. military as a mercenary corporation is actually your own.