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Thread: vlahul and free depart ways; new meat required

  1. #16
    I like to post Band of Horses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyReid View Post
    FREE is now a force to be reckoned with. Seriously!
    Did they reroll into 25 faes? No? Then you're a liar!
    "The Utopian voice of reason" ~Ben (And he's an official moderator)

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Who saw this as a surprise. It was all just about the timing.
    War Monkeys War Monger - Contact me if interested in a beating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Rather than whining, getting pissy and getting on my radar why don't you just .....

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    So where did Valhul go?

  4. #19
    Forum Addict CannaWhoopazz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Band of Horses View Post
    Did they reroll into 25 faes? No? Then you're a liar!
    BoH = Pam?
    Quote Originally Posted by vines View Post
    100 is the same 1. And 1/92 just means .92.

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  5. #20
    Post Demon DM_Benjamin's Avatar
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    Word on the grapevine is that vlahul joined CR
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  6. #21
    Post Demon
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    CR has lot of acres, but its still too small for 2 such egos =)

    Good call Free.

  7. #22
    Post Fiend
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    Quote Originally Posted by StratOcastle View Post
    Vlahul will have to let me know where he's going. Thank you for the update peppie.
    I am making a province in about 9-10 hours and hope to land in a ghetto, build all from scratches.

    I could have taking over FREE and killing the one player that caused constant internal dispute, but it's not my style. I could have defected also and keep my assets for a better start, but I respect the 15 players I brought into FREE. I had a deal with Peppie and he broke it, in my eyes he had no word. I kept my part of the deal as I always did with anybody. He has a long history with FREE, so many years he invested in that kingdom and I've decided I rather leave and let everybody learn from the mistakes.

    Truth is, some people got blinded and they started to hurt all my efforts. There are many examples but I will only quote a few:

    1. They made the call to explore chained and massacred provinces from 200-300 acrs into 1700+ acres during EOWCF. It resulted in 0.1 wpa and crap numbers overall. I've insisted to explore those provinces only to ~1000-1200 acres during first 24 ticks of EOWCF and have 90% guilds for the reamining 3 days, explore another double size in normal, before forti. It was not only a waste of resources but also a nearly guarantee that next war will be a fail for those provinces.

    2. I've asked everybody, especially the elves to pump 90% guilds in eowcf which resulted in a 6+ raw wpa on War Heroes and 9-10 raw on mystics. They chosed 60% guilds and banks considering that a 10 days pump was already ahead and the banks gold produced in EOWCF would not help much. The 12 epa required by me could have be trained easily after EOWCF, not wasting the wizards pump which is double.

    3. Last war I've asked to start the deep chaining earlier and get some of the land honor back, but they kept doing 40-50 people massacres and it resulted in a 6000 honor goins from WW. In the 2nd war I got 5000 honor gains and 1k acres in minimum time with a WD with no wpa at all on anybody, just pure attackers (even the mystics had 3 raw wpa, the others were completely useless). WPA is what rapes honor, not the attacks.

    4. I've asked the science distribution to go fully into housing for a total of 250 BPA - 10.5% housing and pumping the incoming 200 bpa into magic. Most of the dudes rioted against me and done their own way on purpose, following a specific player who think he is "tough". It resulted in a rainbow science for some of them with mediocre numbers in all categs.

    5. Before last war I moved from my halfer/war hero (3 raw wpa and 300 bpa at that time) which was the top one in the kingdom into the worse elf/war hero that had 1 wpa and 100 bpa. Succeeded to make it 450 bpa and 4 raw wpa with much more incoming.

    6. I've asked 12 epa and 8 dspa on the a/m and they did 8 epa and 10 dspa - i was the only one following that.

    7. During the war, I asked to feed the semi-chained halfers with soldiers to retrain off specs that were converted into elites - thus maintaing a solid 40-50k def points (at 600-1000a) when the enemy got down into land defense with all his 13-15 attackers and their offense was 40-60k modded while others had 30k left. They refused and fed one particular elf that failed to pump 12 epa which manage to do 1 massacre, instead of feeding multiple halfers for boosting their offense.

    8. In wars I follow deep chaining constantly, while Peppie decided for 2-3 days of massacres, ignoring completely the chaining. I could not fight that in the middle of a war.

    We could have got at least 10k honor in that war and still win it. I have not lead that war since Pep/Swappy took over and they was so happy with the War Win... which by the way, was build upon my pumps and honor/science archievement. That war win would have been anyway, since we was so strong. The problem is: with what efforts and for what gains? Having 8-9 days of war for 6k honor when we could have won it in 4-5 days with 10k honor gains.


    I've proposed the 33-34 pop/acre elf/war hero super attacker/mage and some dudes made it clear they won't follow.

    The numbers I've required were:


    8 dspa (110 dpa with elites home)
    12 epa (85 opa without TG)
    5-6 wpa (16-20 mwpa depending on science)
    3 tpa (17-20% WT)
    5-6 peons/acre
    Total 33-34 pop/acre - archievable with war hero baronship/viscount + 30-35% homes.

    When I've left my elf/provinces was nearly there, anybody can do a sot/sos. It had 4 raw wpa with another 1 incoming (80% guilds for 24 more ticks) and it had 34 pop/acre space. Only the epa left to train (12).

    They refused high homes percentage in war, keeping some 10-20% only. I've argued that 40% homes on halfers boost not only their racial bonus (38 pop/acre archievable with 25 military/acre) but it helps greatly when deep chained (40% homes allows to keep about 5 extra military/acre when deep chained). Homes would have been phased out during the war, into forts/tg/rax.

    On my crap elf/war hero that i seriously rebuilded, managed to get him the top elf attacker last war and a solid Fireball mage. At one point in the war i got a bit chained from 1600a into 900a with a lot of efforts from the enemy kd. I recovered back 1700a instantly and pushed into Viscountship. The others have failed.


    What I am trying to say is that my own example was not sufficient. I made all requests based on my own example - as long as it was possible for me under much worse circumstances (took over the weakest province in the kd) should be possible for the others too.

    My ex-province was given to Araq - the guy that caused me the 2nd war loss when he sent all his 8k elites instead of horses. Obviously from the top halfer it turned into a mediocre one... and guess what? This Araq dude started to cry and mock me saying the strats i give are insane, not doable and that his halfer can't do 16 ospa and 12.5 epa as I've requested - even if I proved it can.

    The argument based on a -30k income a tick at 200% wages before the war start. He refused to understand that those lost wages are sustainable for 12-15 ticks after which military is lost and wages droped which helps a sustainable income.


    Overall, I've decided I am not wanted there anymore, after I brought 15 players, got high activity and even put 50$ into credits. I hade two choices: kill the two dudes causing internal and take over FREE or leave. I made my choice for the 2nd option, I do not steal other's work as they do.

    However, the good thing is that my overal view proved solid, it proved archievable when they all cried "impossible" to get that honor and sustain war hero. Now that they are half way to countship which makes everything easier.... thanks to my efforts, they turned into "believers" :). So be it.

    I believe they won't make it top 10 without me. It remains to be seen. They don't have the guts and the views. Peppie keeps playing ghetto style with exploring 2000 acres into EOWCF and pumping semi-rainbow science.... he can't understand that top 10 wars are different, but I guess he will see that.


    Lastly: I don't want to spend 7-10 days in a useles war for 5000 honor gains. It hurts my planing and it's too much effort for nothing. That honor can be archieved in normal/aggresive waves over other kingdoms... in 3 waves - maybe 4 and free acres with CF.

    FREE philosophy is: we want war wins no matter what, even if we fail miserably in rebuild and stay 10 days in war like stubborned noobs.

    My philosophy is different and I sticked to it: get viscountship by first month OOP (been late some 10 days). Get Countship (70-75k honor) by mid age and go honor crown with the countship by end of age.

    For me it was all about the popspace, homes playing a vital role - allowing to hold 20-25 military per acre with a 15-20 mwpa for attackers. With countship, the 4% extra pop and OME and t/m with income, would have been monstruos.

    Once Countship - Dukeship archieved on a couple of war heroes, they can explore the entire kingdom pool becoming 10-15k acres versatile ubers/banks/hybrid attackers. Having a 80-90k honor kingdom with war heroes versus an average baronship whoring kingdom... would have been a total slaughter, most likely ending with free waves over the whoring kingdoms and free acres. Allowing to grow in the land/nw charts.


    I've proved to me once again, that his type of kingdom that I envision: it's possible.

    I still believe halfing/war hero to be a superior attacker than undead/orc/human since the Halfer can uphold 25-30 military/acre and can muster the same 125 opa as any ud/orc (16 ospa) with 60-70 dpa home that almost never dies, even if deep chained. A deep chained halfer, can uphold his numbers and percentages, while an orc/undead saves his offense and become land defense. It needs feeding with soldiers/off specs however... and FREE failed to realize that.

    The elf/war hero is utterly superior to any race/pers combo. It is a solid UBER if elites are home, has the capacity to NM or/and depop Fireball with 15-18 mwpa and it can hit 20-30 dpa attackers at same size while still being UB.


    Those being said, I'll make a new province and see where do I land, keep defecting until i reach the worse ghetto and build from there. In FREE I've managed to get 15 new active players within 10 real days. Can do similar.

    I felt from the start it's a mistake to join 'old blood" that has ego and their own views. I am not judging that, but as I felt it proved to be a mistake and a waste of time for me.

    For FREE was not a waste of time, they have now 23 active players and they are halfway in my old plans.
    Last edited by vlahul82; 19-02-2016 at 10:57.

  8. #23
    Forum Addict
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    Good luck building a new kd, Vlahul! I hope you do well and build a strong kd. :) I don't take sides, I think both you and others have valid points, sorry it didn't work out.
    ABS vs Rangers

  9. #24
    Post Fiend
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    So let me get this straight.... you are saying Free won the only war you were not in charge of?

    I like your creativity, but pragmatically speaking 2 losses for the sake of 1WW (which took a week), is not effective. And now if FREE are as strong as you say they are, nobody will want to war them.

    Realistically your project failed and you embarrassed yourself in the process.

    Keep the creative strategies and lose the attitude and you will find success I am sure.
    Last edited by FATstrat; 19-02-2016 at 11:30.

  10. #25
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    Vlahul, crybaby :P

  11. #26
    Post Fiend peppie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vlahul82 View Post
    I had a deal with Peppie and he broke it, in my eyes he had no word. I kept my part of the deal as I always did with anybody. He has a long history with FREE, so many years he invested in that kingdom and I've decided I rather leave and let everybody learn from the mistakes.
    Ive no intention of feeding this drama but I do want to give some clarification on this, because it affects my reputation:

    My deal with vla was that he was in charge of strats this age, but that he would sit out the age no matter the drama that transpired. After our second warloss, there was a lot of grumbling from the ranks and very, very little faith in vla's strats and statements. One of the reasons our performance was subpar was because vla didnt give the KD a lot of time for recovery, so I did push for an 11 day rebuild to finally get our affairs in order.

    Then our last war opponents contacted me for a war. They were slightly smaller and had about 50k troops less - presumably they offered because everyone knows that in uto you cant get a war unless you offer from a position of weakness.

    We werent done with training, so at the agreed date for warstart, we had 114k troops more. We also had more peasants. People were telling me that if we wouldnt win this, they would quit. It'd be the nail in the coffin of vla's strategic musings: if we could not win a war despite these advantages, the strat was irredeemably bad.

    So yes, I took over. I turned a rout into a win (incidentally with vlahul telling me in pm, all war, that were losing or a win would take weeks), because it was what the KD needed: a win. A week after declaration our opponents withdrew. I told vlahul that he could have the reins back, and he accepted. And then we discussed future strats, passed out orders, and things were fine-ish for three days.

    Then last night vlahul got into a fight with one of the players, and ragequitted by evacuating two crucial provs (his and his wife's) not long before EOWCF training date. Vlahul didnt quit because i didnt hold up my end of the bargain, but because one of my players hurt his feelings. He quit because of drama (thereby breaking the deal he referred to earlier) and he left us hanging. My hands are clean - i take deals and obligations seriously.

  12. #27
    Post Fiend
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    Poor vlahuls wife :(

  13. #28
    Post Fiend
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    Haha. Even after their first ww. Mighty FREE is still full of drama :D

  14. #29
    Veteran Folle's Avatar
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    so vlahul was multi and you clearly knew this. Bad Peppie.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Folle View Post
    so vlahul was multi and you clearly knew this. Bad Peppie.
    No, it was his wife playing. Don't we all have wifes/girlfriends playing utopia?

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