Drunkly shouting into someone's else's echo chamber, but here we go.

Did you serious just claim *New England* is an IS hotbed? WTF? I know *best ever* Brady is kinda galling, but...

Seriously, I know we've aped the Queen's English (sorry for the mangling to all the proper British... although Brexit, so ya'll as bad as the bad half of us'all anyway) and have some other idiomatic quirks, but the use of wicked as an exclamatory hardly qualifies for "weird" if we are being serious. Weird would be things like not liking beer. (I actually fall into that, though it is a gene quirk... you'd hate it too if it always came in a soapy glass.)

Wealth correlates with voting R. Education correlates with voting D. Things have gotten kinda weird now that Wealth correlates with Education though, hence the silicon valley (and 128 tech sector [+Boston], which is nearly as big, and a good bit more practical it turns out) confusion. Remember Mit? Know why he was so lame? At root, he was a New England R - have to actually *make sense*, since your votes can rub two sticks together (or, well, actually know that rubbing sticks is pointless, but whatever). Tough to win when you really are a blue dog type trying to clam the "true conservative" mantle.

Gotta give Trump that though - he's figured out the magic of winning the votes of a block while *explicitly stating he'll do the opposite of what they want*. I thought the second Bush tested the limits of my faith in the US political system (generalized, kinda unfairly, to all of humanity), but turns out it was Trump, and it looks like there is *too evil* for the average man.

Now, I'll personally pitch Hillery, but on the principle that the current system inherently must select a total slimeball, and at least she's a slimeball that will mostly just stay the course. I'm *far* left... but I generally vote center, or at best left-center, because the radicals don't get **** done. I'd also like to see electoral overhaul, but good luck on that ya'll. You'll get my vote, for what little (nothing... directly) a vote is worth.