Last age i made an topic about the science being horrible after 3 days, also last age science was an joke.

This age i thought, i give bishop an break since he did listen to my complain about the Halfling Rogue that has been an bad option for 5 ages and was still being weakened..

But seriously... Can we go back to the old system?
Just found a few Human/ Sages with max scientists at Yr 3... YR 3... End game is at age 3 now?

Before you really had to give an effort to get science, plan waves, plan for an pump and make an effort as an leader to build up that science to win the wars.
And by winning wars gaining some science and bonuses making it fun to compete, place time in to it and do the extra days in war just to win an longer war.

Today it's like, yeah we will win the war if we fight for 3 more days, but nah we gain more in giving up + will have it easier to find an new war if we give up.
That's the mentality right now....

1. FIX THE DAMN SCIENCE how hard can it be to keep an challenge in an game.
Revelation, 20% Libs and do aductions for 2-3 weeks and woho maxed science... Is that good?
Is this what the game has come to? To make it an game for 7 year olds to play?

2. War system, comon... How fun is it to war and spend time + hours wake up middle of the night just to hit out and keep army out or doing ops for the kd, if all you win is a number beside your kd name, that makes it harder to get wars since people get scared.

Utopia is getting less players and less kds, should be an sign that we need to go back to basic.


1. Science = back to the old ways

2. Wars = back to the old ways

3. Get some functions in to the buildings/ military and make it easier for new players to see (if i add 23 homes i gives me 5% in homes) instead of using angel or an calculator for some players who can't do math in their heads)

4. Maybe if you want to make the game go in an new direction, make add on pick 3 different advisors to change your province bonuses some.
Meaning there should be about 15 advisors.

5. Take away the "show kd rank for the first 6-9 weeks of the game.
Only scares KDs since that's what they look at.

We explored our TMs in the start of the age to:

475 (2x)
500 (4x)
550 (4x)

And was with that small amout of acres an top 30 kd in acres... And since it said top 30 kd, people where afraid to war us, i mean common!
How bad is kds right now?

6. Hide what KD/ Province has the honor crown. Don't show what KD has it, just makes the biggest acres/ nw growers to hurras the smaller kds for honor. All to to gain some honor the last week, make it harder for the kds that do that, finding out who has the honor crown and hit it.

Yes we did last age to win it, but we did it since the one that came secound (was nr 1) was in the bigger KD and was hitting our top honor player just to make shore they won the nr 1 spot.
Well karma was an B**** right ;)

All in all, make the game and competition again please Bishop PLEASE!
Because right now its just (play like your a noob and hope someone wars you) Sit and wait/ Yr 3 is end game and woho now what?!?

I have more fun with tamagotchi since it can be more of an challenge then this game right now.
But i stay in the game since i love the group of people i have with me, the kd i have built and the 1-2 wars / age that's an challenge (yes of 8-9 wars - only 2 is an challenge) the few lost wars is due to RL issue and that's sometimes we accept since we don't win or lose anything on it.

Here is an tips for all Sages (Do revelation, use 20% libs, hit for aductions for 1 week)
Then place 30% Homes and your almost UB + have over 220-250 OPA. If your human well done, your UB/ have great wpa and should have really good thievery defense with 15%-20% WTs and 4 rtpa. Awesome game right? ..... -_-