I was going to post this in Thief Op/Spell Quality of life thread... But it didnt quite match the subject of that thread.

I was thinking of something along the lines of integrating the espionage page info to ops and spells "probable prediction"

I mean we already have SOT for military and population #'s / SoS for bonuses / Survey for WT % / Infiltrate for Thief to Wizzard population

Now what I am proposing is not a flat out guarantee of anything (even with full current data)

But given that we have a shared intel page in esionage, using that page to incorporate into our provincial op/spell pages.

But as I was getting to... Even with all current data give a NARROWER range of success AND outcome.

Make it so that we have to set target prov first to change the target variables.

After selecting target give a success range and outcome range for ops/spells

Such as X-X% to cause Y-Y Outcome

The older, more incomplete, or accuracy of the data, the wider the range of success rate or outcome of said op/spell.