I am sorry, if this has been asked before. We had a heated discussion yesterday and hope that someone can help with this question.

There is a different wording concerning TPA boni/mali of Orc and Halflings. I would like to know, if this is intentional.

Halfling: +50% Thievery Operation Success (TPA)
People argue that this bonus would be only applied in offense (an actual operation). Because otherwise the wording would be like the orcs malus.
Orc: -10% Thievery Effectiveness (TPA)

Is it the same bonus (a TPA multiplicator of 1.5 or 0.9 respectively) or something else?
Is the Orcs "Thievery Effectiveness" calculated into damage done by thieves or just into offense/defense success rates?

It would be great, if someone would answer who had a look into the code or done some testing himself. Thank you very much!