I think that buildings should produce scientists. (Yes scientists and not books.)

I think that most (if not all) buildings should have its own science.

On those notes:

1. Scientist production rate would be low.
2. Scientist advance rate would be high.
3. SCIENTIST OUTPUT (+% per lvl) would be linear (As it is now.)
4. SCIENCE TOTAL OUTPUT (per catagory) would be (As it is now.)
5. WW Bonus - Higher Total Science cap. (10-15% of max catagory bonus?) (Not Scientists - Or Few (Random or from losing KD) scientists.
6. No limit on WW science cap increases.
7. ONLY Professors can be re-assigned.
8. Abducted scientists lose 1 rank AND have to retrain from the start of that lvl.

Yes This can be broken into 4 suggestions:
1. Buildings
2. WW Science cap bonus
3. Professor only re-assignment
4. Abduction re-advancement

But I just went with where I was lead.