Should something be done about the gains of abducts over large differences in NW/Acres?

Background: Currently in war, deep chained and lost approximately 2000 acres / 400k NW. UB are 4x abducting. I can understand losing scientists to someone in range up to a certain point, but should a province 3.6x your NW and 7.2x your acres still be able to take your scientists? Or maybe make it have at least some % chance to abduct 0?

Province # Scientists Abducted % NW Difference % Acres Difference
A 3 395% 445%
B 3 381% 451%
C 1 393% 459%
D 1 254% 188%
E 6 388% 537%
F 5 396% 537%
G 3 399% 463%
H 6 380% 441%
I 1 207% 145%
J 5 389% 555%
K 3 392% 455%
L 1 374% 643%
M 4 368% 722%

Scientists lost: 42
Average NW difference: 363%
Average Acres difference: 465%