I need some consultancy from this brilliant community. It seems me and ASF cannot decide on the interpretation of the following terms:

1. EOA CF between 8:9 and 8:13.
2. EOA CF between Sparta and 8:13 (I will make sure Sparta sends over the terms as soon as their loc is known).
3. 8:9 will not compete for #1 land on individual prov charts with 8:13 (we will stay #2 so long as 8:13 has a prov on #1. Also if we are #1 and 8:13 is #2, we will make sure to drop to #2 allowing 8:13 to be #1).
Well, actually it's not that we can't agree on it, it's more that I deny that there is any form of interpretation involved as the terms are so extremely clear and well-specified (I always make sure!). Lord ASF seems to think that diplomatic interchanges that take place before the final deal is signed are part of the agreement. I think that the agreement = the agreement.

Opinions please!