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Thread: Trump brings the US yet another step towards becoming a Bana

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Sigh you obviously don't understand the power of the President. President can pardon anyone he wants to. If President Trump wanted to pardon Flynn he could with a stroke of the pen. Just like Obama did for the Traiter Chelsea Manning. Who was tried and convicted Traitor in a court of law. Where was your outrage? Anyways Trump is the head of every single federal agency in the government, including the FBI. If he wanted to he has the power to call the entire investigation off. But he doesn't because he has nothing to hide. Sure he could be impeached but you can be impeached for anything, doesn't have to be illegal. Anyways it's all just made up noise.

    What you forgot to mention was Loretta lynch broke federal law by impeding the email investigation and most likely will be brought up on charges. ;)
    I would say it's you that doesn't understand the power of the POTUS and what damage he can do. The President does not have the power to make the investigation stop. That is obstruction of justice. Think Nixon would like to have a word with you. Sure he might not be offically charged but he most certainly would be impeached.
    I would ask you the same question. Where is your anger since your soo upset with the Chelsea Manning deal? You know, the lady that leaked secrets to Wikileaks... The same Wikileaks that leaked the Clinton e-mails that you praised the leakers for? Besides wtf does Manning have to do with Trump and how do you know we were not upset with the decision? We sure as hell were not talking anout it.
    Just made up noise? Lol... Oh your killing me here... To funny. Yea, it's all just make believe...
    Last edited by Swirvin'Birds; 09-06-2017 at 14:46.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Swirvin'Birds View Post
    I would say it's you that doesn't understand the power of the POTUS and what damage he can do. The President does not have the power to make the investigation stop. That is obstruction of justice. Think Nixon would like to have a word with you. Sure he might not be offically charged but he most certainly would be impeached.
    I would ask you the same question. Where is your anger since your soo upset with the Chelsea Manning deal? You know, the lady that leaked secrets to Wikileaks... The same Wikileaks that leaked the Clinton e-mails that you praised the leakers for? Besides wtf does Manning have to do with Trump and how do you know we were not upset with the decision? We sure as hell were not talking anout it.
    Just made up noise? Lol... Oh your killing me here... To funny. Yea, it's all just make believe...
    Trump did nothing wrong because he isn't the one being investigated....... liberals can't seem to understand this. Just like Obama didn't do anything wrong with pardoning manning. Flynn just worked in the government and is the only one they found any evidence against. Trump can pardon Flynn or prosecute Flynn if he wishes. It's his power as President.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Trump did nothing wrong because he isn't the one being investigated....... liberals can't seem to understand this. Just like Obama didn't do anything wrong with pardoning manning. Flynn just worked in the government and is the only one they found any evidence against. Trump can pardon Flynn or prosecute Flynn if he wishes. It's his power as President.
    Since he isn't being investigated he did nothing wrong? Really?
    He isn't pardoning or persecuting anyone... He was trying to infuence a federal investigation into memebers of his staff.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by handofthrawn View Post
    Trump did nothing wrong because he isn't the one being investigated....... liberals can't seem to understand this. Just like Obama didn't do anything wrong with pardoning manning. Flynn just worked in the government and is the only one they found any evidence against. Trump can pardon Flynn or prosecute Flynn if he wishes. It's his power as President.
    I don't think you know what "liberals" means. You don't need to be a liberal to oppose President Trump. A large fraction of conservatives also oppose his actions, that does not make them liberals. While a President has many powers, he has also given an oath to serve , protect and act in the best interest of the People of the United States of America.

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