Quote Originally Posted by Bart of Sparta View Post
A truthful summary of this age (numbers do not indicate chronology!):

1. Emeriti should've withdrawn and dumped pool to stay ahead of Pandas.
2. Emeriti should've made a non-compete deal with Pandas using Panda's wishes to win honor crown as leverage.
3. BB should've just beaten Emeriti in YR4 (and cancel their Vegas).
4. Emeriti's proxy-KD ended up farming out to a KD half their size which in the end came to haunt them badly.
5. Emeriti sending Gurch/Feint on BB ended up propelling BB rather than stopping them.
6. Emeriti foolishly let themselves get involved in ASF's schemes vs RoO, which lead to:
7. RoO blaming Emeriti for ASF's actions. Which lead to:
8. RoO farming out to Pandas to spite Emeriti, which lead to...
9. Pandas crown.

This again shows that no crown is ever won 100% cleanly according to the ridiculous standards people hold here, which actually is what makes Utopia so great to me. You can't expect to not indulge in dark arts and ****play every now and then and expect to win, simply not happening. Pandas did a great job winning those wars and getting to the top. However, getting "close to the top" does not equate winning a crown, for that they needed that little extra push.

The good thing is that Emeriti's proxy kd or Panthira's ghetto has atleast won wars when they have tried to chart in top. Unlike spartans who have always given land to stay number 2.

Infact Spartans is more legit to be called as Emeriti's proxy kd or in better words " Emeriti's B**** "