Quote Originally Posted by Chrystal Palace View Post
This is wrong. We have more fighting men's than that. However we aren't anon on the dryads so they losing tons of troops in ambushes and we have failed on ambushes on our end. Right now they are taking down the humans but have to focus pretty much everyone on one human at a time. I believe runes are coming in short supply. They are training ospecs like crazy where we are trying to get defenses up. It's still anyone's war. I think the next wave or two will decide things. On a brighter note gotti was shipped out to Vietnam today so I get to be in charge of some nubs. Usually when that happens we lose players because I'm a major butthole. So it could very well be PyroBloods to lose!! Not sure why Erv went to fight in Vietnam but he went on his own terms. Y'all ever watch Mash? He even tried to be a Klinger. I tell ya what! That man (gotti not klinger) has one hell of a set of legs. Those skirts he Skype is really made his booty pop!!
TOOOOO Dead Provinces!!