Quote Originally Posted by Gronski87 View Post
I am trying. We started the kingdom this age and brought in 3 real life friends who never played before and are teaching them how to play. And the learning curve for them has been a bit steep. Then coupled with having over 9 providences lost to inactivity and only having 14 total is making it pretty rough. Plus our kingdom won't refill for whatever reason. We haven't had a yeah providence is like 5 days.

I was almost to the point of restarting my providence to switch races and personality becuase were not getting new providences and we dont have any large attackers. But I don't have any,credits to reset

This is another thing that I tell many new players. The game descriptions are kind of hurtful in this respect. People like the idea of "dominating through magic" or "stealth" but the reality of the game is this, without the support of an attacking core, a thief or mage is worthless. The relations system makes it impossible for a thieves and mages to be worth anything unless a certain number of hits are exchanged and then even for a limited time. As someone playing in a non established kingdom, you have to play some sort of attacker (yes, this is one of those things you MUST do, sorry to say). Why the game guides do not explain this to new players is beyond me. If you are newer, you can't be a TM. There is no way around it.

Utopia is a game about attrition. You win by losing less than the other guy. It is as simple as that. If you are in a ghetto and are never going to get into a war with anyone, the most effective thing you could do is be an Orc with almost no defense and 30% Guard Stations. After two hits, the mechanic of gang bang protection will make it impossible for anyone to gain off you. With your 20% bonus gains on attacks and your guard stations you will ruin any larger kingdom that decides to foolishly mess with you. It is just that simple. Run 200+ offense points per acre with loads of GS and I promise you, no larger kingdom will ever look at you. Have three or four of those in your kingdom with two higher wizard per acre spell casters that can access fools gold and cast MS and you will NEVER see a single hit from any but the most blindly stupid top kingdoms.

Now, you MAY get waves from those kingdoms (more than 10 hits in a single hour), which if you DO NOT retaliate and send a note offering a Cease Fire with a termed time (End of Age, Year XX, etc) will almost certainly be granted thus essentially ending the likelihood it will happen again from that kingdom in THIS age. When I co-led a small war Kingdom, I collected CF's from all the top until there was no one above that could hit me. Then I was free to grow and war and do whatever I wished without any fear. To do that, I had to take a few hits, arrange times when I would give land, etc. Spend a little time and effort.

BTW, no one cares if you think they are cowardly.