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Thread: Palem's Moral Viewpoint Discussion Consultant Management

  1. #1
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    Palem's Moral Viewpoint Discussion Consultant Management

    @bart clearly talking about group behavior. #LastWordWins :p
    Yousa muy muy wrong sir cus yousa talking about individuals committing muy muy bad actions (robbing --> reactions).

    So you were definitely talking about some kind of morality. You disapprove simply because you think one "should not do it" rather than "it leads to less benefit". The only way you can wiggle yourself out of this argument is by appealing to the objective loss of benefit that social stigmatization might bring upon an individual.

  2. #2
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    I'm not talking about morality. I'm talking about social norms.

    Go deal break. Go power play. Go bottomfeed. None of those things make you a bad person. They do however break social protocol of utopia.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Doesn't really improves bringing in new players in such a hostile gaming world where numbers might be dwindling.

    I'd reckon Palem might be right about some sort of reckoning to a certain degree and once that line has passed. Bart has his own perspective though, in its own way a bit extreme but prolly shud know how much punishment/ retaliation there oughta be.
    The initial "victim" now becomes the "mugger".
    And guess what.... nothing can stop that because the initial "victim" has nukes and WMD in his basement.

    Maybe one day, a group of large KD get together to form an "Police" KD to navigate these sort of situations. Perhaps put em in 1.1 where no one can attack them but can appeal for investigations. Just thinkng out loud.


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