There currently isn't a way for us to view the affect that abolish ritual casts have on enemy targets.

For kingdoms that are organized with intricate 3rd party tools like munkbot, such as my own, this is not a problem. But for everyone else, it is an unnecessary organizational challenge which creates an undue stratification between those who have these tools and those who do not.

Undue because there is in fact a way to rectify this that is already in the game, and I believe was intended for this purpose even though it is not currently used for it?

The ritual strength % indicator. It currently serves no purpose. It is confusing to those not in the know. Make it useful again! Tie it to abolish ritual so that when it is cast, it is indicating the amount of damage being done.

It is not so much important to know how much damage is being done, rather that damage is being done at all! Consider the way the mechanic works. You need to cast abolish ritual 50 times to destroy a ritual, with a maximum of 10 casts per province, requiring casts on at least 5 provinces. Without any indication that damage is being done, you are creating an unnecessary performance challenge for those who do not use 3rd party tools.

Having strength % tick own from 100% to 75% is meaningless now that the days remaining indicator is now available. Instead make it the indicator for abolish damage. If you want there to be some math to it for some reason, you can keep it as the % concept to obfuscate the actual values slightly (as opposed to just saying X casts remaining to abolish ritual), but please, make it actually do something useful!

Or... if you are wholly set on forcing the 3rd party tools on people... at least remove the % indicator as it serves no purpose and is just downright confusing.