Hi everyone,

So as some of you may already know, i have been in a pretty bad car accident... that sucks but as far as I can see this gives me quite a bit of time laying in bed on my laptop. I am unable to deny my utopian addiction any longer.... Ive kinda run out of excuses!

therefore I am looking to join a kingdom, here is what I am looking for:

either of the following:

1: A kingdom that actually stands a chance in land crowning


2: A kd of retired fun dudes i know

I am easy on either option, I have a **** load of time on my hands and am so ****ing bored it just may kill me. If a top kd wants me just be aware i can be active, im just no way wanting anything other than core etc

ill idle on the utonet and check back to this thread.

I know I come and go sometimes but I do have a lot of spare time on my hands and have been known as the songbird of my generation.

p.s. extra chances to any kd that contains any of the following players: octobrev.

lemme know, sap me... talk soon