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Thread: Thief Ops In War

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Thief Ops In War

    Hey guys,

    Playing as a Rogue this age, and been one of the kingdom's strategists, I've found myself trying different tactics on the thief role.
    In the past I'd focus a lot of kingdom effort on NSing, as it would be effective in lowering both defense and offense of difficult targets. Since the recent nerf to NS I find it lacking in power.

    A thief has a wide variety of options - I know how to utilize them for different situations and targets. I'm wondering where everyone is pushing more effort, now that NS isn't the go-to option. Is Prop good enough in its place? Do you AW select mages more often? Or NS is still where you put a lot stealth and effort?


  2. #2
    Strategy Moderator
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    NS is still insanely damaging. the "Recent nerf" still has it doing WAY more damage than it did before the damage got buffed to include leets. As for other options, heres how i view it

    - is best if kd has few enough mystics u can reasonably chain/mass+AW away MS from the enemy. Typically this means <1 mystic/rogue you have.
    - is good to self pump. Average damage will be about 1/4 AW, 1/3 NS, +some theifs. which means if u do 7/12th (or about 1/2) the damage u u'd do simply doing aw/ns BUT you are self pumping and sustaining your thieves
    -is still the go to op if u want to maximize damage, and still is still a good option even if a rogue .
    Other-Riots/econ+mage controll
    -good alternatives, i use rogues here quite often even if not litteraly the most damaging/op.

  3. #3
    Forum Addict Bo To's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    As Persain said - ns nerf was needed but still NS is extremely strong. Rogues with their high tpa, bonus stealth and strong tds can do max dmg ns which is very damaging especially now when wts are weak.

    However ns is most efficient if there is a big attacker you don't want/can't chain. In my last war there were one big orc and one big DE which had both a lot def and off so we decided to control them with ns(from both our rogues and mystics) and it was devastating.

    AW is for taking out mystics/hybdrids. Don't underestimate mystics - they have pretty strong fb+chas combo.

    Prop is situational imo. Use it only if you are getting chained(together with ll) or if you are killing drake. Otherwise you are overpoping yourself and your be/econ will tank.

  4. #4
    Post Fiend
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    Jan 2013
    NS is definitely the most damaging, and anyone can do it. Even with the nerf, it can still decimate an attacker pretty quickly, with a little organization

    AW is still very strong, it might not seem like much per op, but if you get 2-3 rogues doing it to one mystic, you can drop them to attacker rWPA levels pretty quick, and it takes time to recover, EVEN for a Mystic

    Prop can be very strong when utilized correctly. Personally, I think only Hybrid Rogues should use it. As Bo To said above, you will overpop yourself and your BE/Econ will tank, but on a hybrid, where you are growing with the war, it is a great way to sustain military, TPA, and WPA as you grow. It can also be truly devastating if you catch an all-spec offense at home. If your target is mostly elites though, NS is still the better option. Propaganda was NOT buffed for elites.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2016
    In a recent war after 6 days one of our Bo/ro took an entire TPA off of one of the enemy heretics in just a few ticks stealth, prop's ability to decimate other high rtpa targets shouldn't be overlooked. Prop is best when it has few bad rolls, you want a target with good thieves, wizards, and armies home. Something like a heretic, or even just a lower tpa rogue can be crazy. Lowering a mystic from 4tpa to 1 and having core be able to NS...

    Our rogues tend to grow a bit, so the econ/peon loss isn't quite the pain others have without offense.

  6. #6
    Post Fiend
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bananamancer2000 View Post
    In a recent war after 6 days one of our Bo/ro took an entire TPA off of one of the enemy heretics in just a few ticks stealth, prop's ability to decimate other high rtpa targets shouldn't be overlooked. Prop is best when it has few bad rolls, you want a target with good thieves, wizards, and armies home. Something like a heretic, or even just a lower tpa rogue can be crazy. Lowering a mystic from 4tpa to 1 and having core be able to NS...

    Our rogues tend to grow a bit, so the econ/peon loss isn't quite the pain others have without offense.

    Yeah, our rogues target DEs or Elves most of the time. Great TPA/WPA to steal, and they usually have plenty of specs to steal. Our rogues are all also attackers too, so they never have to worry about overpopping unless they get chained.

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