First off good job, looks great and didn't run into any bugs (only used on PC chrome)

Here are some thoughts / suggestions
1. Make it easy for a player to access the tutorial for any page again (maybe a button on each page??). The moment you finish 10 tutorials you've already forgotten so much :) right now don't think you can access the tutorials at all once you've seen it one time
2. Maybe throne page tutorial put a link sending you to your account properties to disable the tutorial (convenience feature for existing players)
3. When uto devs get mentoring in place would love to see mentoring highlighted throughout tutorial. Some integration or reminder to new players on HOW they can get help from mentors! Make it super easy for new players to get the help they need :)

Food for thought to devs - I think a great way to find new players would be on twitch. Modern twitch meet old school Utopia :D I think utopia would be super cool streamed, during war time it could be several hours but downtime streamers could be playing other stuff n checking out uto every now n then. Not an easy task to tackle but I think twitch is a great place to catch peoples attention.

Hopefully those are clear enough, thanks again for all the hard work it looks great :)