@drys That is what I was thinking as far as where they could be displayed.

@Pillz While I understand, and agree that "participation" trophies are sometimes trivial, in this context I see them more as a fun addition to the game. To say it is stupid and unimportant may be true for older players who know what they are capable of, but this game is going to have a hard time capturing players if it does not give more to new players. I have welcomed many new players over the past few ages, and for me, one of the toughest things is showing appreciation for their continued and increased effort to get better at the game. This kind of award system does not affect game play, but I think modernizes the game in a way that could be supportive of new player retention. Don't you think it would be cool to have records connected to your profile page of your accomplishments, because this could and if implemented should be used to record crowns/undefeated war records etc? As far as the specifics of how it would be implemented, I'm sure there are ways I haven't conceived of that would make them less arbitrary than custom Monarch awards...Idk who would be more qualified than the Monarch, who everyone voted for, but a KD EOA survey for preset awards going to the highest point getters could solve that problem.