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Thread: War Reports - Age 75!

  1. #1
    Game Support Sassy_Wolfie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Post War Reports - Age 75!

    Hello Utopians!

    Coming soon, we will be having War Reports!!

    I have already sent out several mail to some random kingdoms to gauge interest in being featured, so the first report will still be several days away because those wars haven't actually started yet, but they are coming and I hope that you will find them interesting to check out.

    Currently, the rules of participating in the War Reports are:

    - Both monarchs agree to participate
    - I do not release any information until the war is concluded {The report can be released at EOW or after the EOWCF - whichever you & other monarch prefer}
    - Request twice daily (or more frequently) updates on targets/strategy/strategy changes. {eg. massing TMs first, conquesting down Bobby because he's starting to get too fat, etc}
    - Request news reports sent once a day {because I can't actually snatch news from this province}
    - Request some quotes or interesting/funny snippets from mail/chat/war forum, wherever to liven up the piece

    If you are interested in participating, please let me know. You can message me here or in-game at Sassy_Wolfie (1:1).

    Looking forward to some more fun!
    A guide to SW's posts

    Regular text = SW as a player
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    Green = Someone messed up the regular and bold text and had to get edited/warned/banned.

  2. #2
    Game Support Sassy_Wolfie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    For our first War Report of this age, we are blessed to have such a wonderful battle to read about! These two kingdoms were well matched and fought valiantly. Without further ado, I give you the War Report!

    Madness (2:10) vs Military Commanders (3:8)

    June 21 YR3 to May 3 YR4 - 5 days
    Start Method: War Proposal
    End Method: Withdrawal by 3:8

    DECLARED VICTOR: Madness (2:10)

    Best Story from the War
    With such an intense war, you really don't want to leave your army sitting at home. One attacker was in such a rush to make sure she got their army out after getting out of the shower that they didn't have any pants on yet. Talk about dedication! Who needs pants to give orders to your generals anyway? Who was it? It was "No Pants". She also wins the award for most accurate name!

    Initial Assessment
    Madness assessment of Military Commanders - MC has strong attackers and very strong rogues but only 1 Mystic. Need to ensure strong and complete chains on those attackers, and ET those rogues to lower the damage they can cause.
    Military Commanders assessment of Madness - Madness has a bunch of mage hybrids but only 3 rogues. Need to split attacks with a semi-chain hit once then send the rest towards the deep chain target, absolutely no off-target hits allowed.

    * * *

    First Phase of War
    Madness - NM an attacker who had army home, he sent out quickly though so the chain wasn't completed as he had lots of incoming acres. NS'd 5k troops off another, but he sent out quickly too. One of 2:10 suicided and paid dearly for that which really hurt them. They attempted a NM run one rogue, which wasn't overly effective, and ET'd the others regularly and often. With only 1 enemy Mystic, they AW'd hard and were pretty successful due to no WTs so that was able to keep them mostly MS free.
    Military Commanders - To control enemy offense, they began with stealing War Horses from the Dryads as quickly as possible then NS them down. Targets were selected based off largest land attacker that wasn't an op target. ET enemy thieves at least once every tick, put greed on all attackers and non-mystics and FB rogues until their economy collapses.

    Madness (2:10) - Total attacks made: 194 (6,851 acres)
    -- Traditional march: 176 (6,052 acres)
    -- Ambush: 16 (799 acres)
    -- Failed: 2 (1% failure)
    -- Uniques: 61

    Military Commanders (3:8) - Total attacks made: 106 (6,360 acres)
    -- Traditional march: 97 (6,210 acres)
    -- Ambush: 3 (150 acres)
    -- Raze: 2 (0 acres)
    -- Massacre: 1 (567 population)
    -- Failed: 3 (2.8% failure)
    -- Uniques: 44

    * * *

    Middle Phase of War
    Madness - While Madness is currently leading in kingdom Networth, 3:8 is proving a difficult opponent and is learning. Madness' chains aren't going as deep. Their attackers are very active and hard to catch at home, so they are continuing their strategy and waiting for an error to give them an opening.
    Military Commanders - Has completed stealing war horses from the last of their top offense provinces. They are focusing on pushing all their TMs towards unbreakable. Madness has more attackers and is using high Barracks very successfully to out-hit them but they are still able to make their hits count for more. They are shifting their focus to bring down the two bigger enemy rogues.

    Madness (2:10) - Total attacks made: 377 (13,579 acres)
    -- Traditional march: 340 (12,068 acres)
    -- Ambush: 31 (1,511 acres)
    -- Failed: 6 (1.6% failure)
    -- Uniques: 115
    Military Commanders (3:8) - Total attacks made: 246 (13,265 acres)
    -- Traditional march: 229 (13,030 acres)
    -- Ambush: 4 (204 acres)
    -- Conquest: 2 (31 acres)
    -- Raze: 6 (0 acres)
    -- Massacre: 1 (567 population)
    -- Failed: 4 (1.6% failure)
    -- Uniques: 91

    * * *

    Final Phase of War - A Winner Emerges
    Madness - A big difference in making Madness the winner was the chaining. They were not being chained too deeply and were able to bounce back and target a province of MCs that had very little incoming lands. While MC was chained much deeper allowing Madness' TMs to hit repeatedly to add acres onto their UBs. MC were very tough but became shy in attacking once their UBs started being conquested after their attacks, this made them too cautious and they weren't sending out much so had less incoming acres. Constant ET throughout nearly the entire war really helped with the high number of very strong rogues as well. The enemy attackers were very active and so they needed to keep focus and be prepared to switch up strategies.
    Military Commanders - While they had the superior offense, their pump still wasn't enough to break the UBs that Madness had and their kingdom economy was stronger and they kept getting further out of reach.

    Madness (2:10) - Total attacks made: 721 (24,604 acres)
    -- Traditional march: 606 (21,402 acres)
    -- Ambush: 49 (2,320 acres)
    -- Conquest: 19 (882 acres)
    -- Raze: 23 (0 acres)
    -- Massacre: 12 (12,826 population)
    -- Abduct: 1
    -- Failed: 11 (1.5% failure)
    -- Uniques: 213
    Military Commanders (3:8) - Total attacks suffered: 494 (23,159 acres)
    -- Traditional march: 458 (22,712 acres)
    -- Ambush: 8 (447 acres)
    -- Raze: 13 (0 acres)
    -- Massacre: 3 (1,335 population)
    -- Abduct: 4
    -- Failed: 8 (1.6% failure)
    -- Uniques: 178

    * * *

    War Summary

    Overall this was a great war, a kingdom with a high rogue count but one mystic against a kingdom with many mage hybrids and high attacker count. This war could've easily gone either direction, a few minor accidents with semi-suiciding and leaving army at home really hurt. The extremely high count of uniques, massacres and ambushes done by the winning kingdom shows they had a strong survivability of their attackers and really pushed to control the incoming acres of their enemy and the economy.

    A great job to both kingdoms, and a big congratulations to the winners of this 5-day war, Madness!
    Last edited by Sassy_Wolfie; 07-03-2018 at 22:51.
    A guide to SW's posts

    Regular text = SW as a player
    Bold = SW as a mod (used for mod requests, warnings, etc.)
    Green = Someone messed up the regular and bold text and had to get edited/warned/banned.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    When can we expect those news reports?

  4. #4
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy View Post
    When can we expect those news reports?

  5. #5
    Game Support Sassy_Wolfie's Avatar
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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Skippy View Post
    When can we expect those news reports?
    The first one is coming soon, I'm waiting for EOWCF to complete.
    A guide to SW's posts

    Regular text = SW as a player
    Bold = SW as a mod (used for mod requests, warnings, etc.)
    Green = Someone messed up the regular and bold text and had to get edited/warned/banned.

  6. #6
    Needs to get out more
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    Aug 2012
    Thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  7. #7
    Veteran Nim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Thanks for the war report!

  8. #8
    Forum Addict RattleHead's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    well done

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Good Job!!

    Best FAKE Kingdom in Utopia
    AWAR Specialists
    Fair Play Alliance Cornerstone

    ***** Most number of Awar Crowns - 5 *****

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    It's kinda hard to understand who is 'they/their' throughout the text.

  11. #11
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Sinners NA
    Where are the articles? Lot of empty posts.... Age is over isn't it? All we got was one?

    There were a lot of wars. Probably 30 total between the top 5 kingdom pages.... A thousand total, I bet.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    I wouldnt mind seeing more reports myself this next age. I do understand however that it might be hard to find monarchs or others in the involved parties to take the time to bring enough information for the war reports to be as extensive as it should be to warrant reading.
    I do hope more will bother doing this as increased activity both in the forums and in the game can only be better for all of us.

  13. #13
    Moderator umajon911's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J0ve View Post
    I wouldnt mind seeing more reports myself this next age. I do understand however that it might be hard to find monarchs or others in the involved parties to take the time to bring enough information for the war reports to be as extensive as it should be to warrant reading.
    I do hope more will bother doing this as increased activity both in the forums and in the game can only be better for all of us.
    War reports would be good. When I was reporter I ran into a few issues though. At first you get the motivation, spam those who are warring. Some reply, some don't. Of course you could try and cover the top wars, but the forums take care of that anyways so why double post about it? Then when you get a response from a KD, the other warring KD might not oblige to it and blows that war report right out of the water. Then you lose a bit motivation, RL sets in, baby starts crying and pooping all over the place, and then you forget about it. Sooooo with that being said, the more we help Sassy out, and stop throwing baby poo all over her, the more reports we will be getting this age!!! KEEP IT UP GIRL!
    “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
    - unknown

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Just as a side note. If only one involved party wants to contribute, I wouldnt mind reading a report anyway. Obviously you would have to understand it will be one sided. But I always enjoy reading what the thoughts are behind the choices being made in war.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Make war reports after the war is done and just Ask monarchs for highlights. Don't ask for strategies or reports during or before the war. Watch the war take notes, then once done pm monarch and steward for thoughts and maybe a summary. Post your thoughts and whoever is willing to share. Odds are monarchs will speak just to defend themselves. Lol

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