As a future teacher (but mostly as a decent, rational human being), teachers do not need to and SHOULD NOT be permitted to carry weapons in the classroom. Palem's list pretty much sums up why, but let me tack on a few things:

- Taking a human life takes a SIGNIFICANT psychological toll on a person; ask any veteran. Why do you think soldiers are sent to camps to become desensitized and removed from the very act of killing someone?

- Take the above point, except with children. You're asking for teachers, who are meant to educate and nurture our youth, to prepare themselves to potentially end the life of child that they've been charged to protect.

- Police shoot unarmed civilians all the time, specifically black civilians; this is NOT a media narrative. See Stephon Clark. See Philando Castile. Look at the scandal involving the Gun Trace Task Force in Baltimore where they were literally robbing dealers and planting guns/evidence to cover up after themselves.

- Police kill innocent civilians with relative impunity; will it be the same with teachers? Forget the costs associated with liability insurance and the inevitable psych evaluations; will we hold teachers accountable for killing an innocent student?

In all seriousness, f*** this sensationalist rhetoric spouted by gun-obsessed cowboys and the NRA. We can't even pay teachers a livable wage or pay for their classroom supplies, yet we're ok with paying to arm them. Miss me with that BS.