I'm not sure if you guys are trolling us for "breaking server down" or really serious about it, but at least let's try be polite and don't insult one another. We are all grown up by now.

We experienced same problem as 4:8 but we kept pushing "Send" and "Cast" button. Since you think that's reason "we broke server" and something that shouldn't be done you obviously gave up after first few oppses and switched to Discord & War forum while getting locked down when we finally managed to hit you. Sadly, but oppses are somewhat normal with agreed wars with proposals when alot of people targeting same provinces at same time.

I hope Devs will take a look wherever they have to and if they figure problem occured more from one side i'm totally fine of restarting war or whatever they want to do. Even asking them to do that.

Just please be civilized. It's only game after all.