On another note, other than attack speed:

I noticed that:

Age 76 Open: Friday April 20, 2018 @ 12:00 GMT (pushed back 6 hours to be safe, we will be migrating Multi-World Functionality code into the live code and want to ensure this all works correctly before opening the server and could take extra time)

Age 76 Final Changes: April 21, 2017

Can I suggest that Final Changes be provided on April 20, before the age opens?

There's not really much point opening up the age early if final changes aren't out. My understanding of the age open and start times is to allow us all time to get on, get our race/personality set ups organized etc. But if the changes aren't finalized yet, that kinda defeats the purpose - since we'll all have to scramble to reset etc. after they're finalized anyway.

It'd be a bit confusing for people signing up for new provinces at age open, but then when asked to pick their race/pers, find out that none of those are finalized yet.