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Thread: My top 5 questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    My top 5 questions

    1. Just a question about LL, During war does NW difference play a part in success? From what i can remember is that guilds dont affect it as its an instant cast spell, and it randomly takes up to 1.35 % or land or something like that. But does success rate drop as you move further away from your NW range ? I have been told NW does not impact it at all but after being chained i found i had better success on those closer to my NW, and even with 8 raw wpa i couldnt cast on the landfat attackers who were 2x 3x my NW. Can anyone confirm NW does contribute to success rate?

    2. If one province was on 100 acres and 100k nw and casted LL on another province with 1000 acres and 100k nw and the spell was reflected, does it reflect back at 1.35% of their land or yours ?

    3. A little confusion with sabotage wizards, can someone post an example of how much mana might one might loose after 1 op @ 100% and 3 ops @ 100%.

  2. #2
    Moderator umajon911's Avatar
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    Where are the other 2?
    “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
    - unknown

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016

    LL is effected in both average gains and success chance by NW. DavidC in ages past told me it was similar to attack gains formula. So targeting outside NW range, but on someone with more land CAN give you more, because it's still a max at 1%, but don't always count on it. And you'll fail a lot more assuming they have any wizards at all.

    2. Reflect would be based on your land. You lose the land but they don't get it.

    3. Not sure, I would estimate similar to expose thief gains. But noone's been able to answer me for what to send on a sabotage wizards ops. 10%, 100%, who knows. I've been doing same send as riots.

  4. #4
    Strategy Moderator
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    Bananamancer answers 1 and 2 good enough :D

    #3 Though sw is hard. Theres no hardened fast values that people have generated because its literally the hardest thing to track. Land/NW/+damage/tpa sent SHOULD all factor in. With that said if it works similar to ET then gains would be ~18% of current mana. That is you'd take 100%->82%->68->55.....12->10->9

    In my experience when my kd was using hertics due to 0 offensive tpa losses we would routinely spam ~ 2 tpa "tickly" on a mystic and limit their casting to a couple every now and again..i know how precise. So if i had to guess i would say the range your looking at is likely 2 tpa =5% up to a likely cap of something like 6 tpa =25%

  5. #5
    Post Demon
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    short answer to 4 and 5 is No but if you could go a bit more in detail that answer might be diffrent since it is situational

  6. #6
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    I live for good enough.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    My top 3 ?

    Thanks for the answers it makes sense now. Haha i fell asleep writing the post and forgot the other 2 questions. Cant even remember what they were :S. Cheers.

  8. #8
    Moderator umajon911's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by risenagain View Post
    Haha i fell asleep writing the post and forgot the other 2 questions. Cant even remember what they were :S. Cheers.
    Fair enough lol
    “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
    - unknown

  9. #9
    Needs to get out more
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    I have the answers for 4 and 5.

    4. The formula is 1.044 x defense THAC0, and I always check for the activity asterisk.

    5. They stack, but it's roughly 33.5% not 50%.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I remembered my 2 missing questions from this post.

    4. When you send out aid with explosions is the other person taxed for the original aid shipment or taxed with whatever made it to them after explosions ?

    5. If both the person sending and receiving aid has explosions, can the aid shipment be taxed twice ?

  11. #11
    Needs to get out more
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    Only the receiving province is taxed.

    So let's say both the sending & receiving provinces have a tax deficit, for example; the sender climbs out of debt and the receiver sinks deeper. As a province grows nw I know the debt amount lessens but I'm not privy to why. Perhaps based in debt to growth ratio.

    From a strategic standpoint, I've used province debt as a factor in chaining a province. Conversely, when I've run paladin I've made a point of having a strong surplus so my kingdom can send me soldiers in the interest of dragon slaying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  12. #12
    Post Demon
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    I think you are asking a bit wrong if what you really want to know is if a province with explosions on risk gtting both explosions on shipments they sent and recieved. That is indeed the case, but since it is a % chance it will not happen on every shipment, the wiki says it is 50% chance/risk depending on point of view.

    The reciever is I believe taxed by the original shipments value just like when aiding acres, the seder get the original shipments value in supplus. The only senario where it might be diffrent is if the sender has explosions and the original shipment thus gets reduced before reaching the reciever, there the reciever might not get the full value detracted from their trade ballance, but I believe this senario probably is not true.

    If your last question should be read as does a shipment from a province with explosions risk getting exploded twice if the reciever also has explosions the answer is no, but with a 50% risk both ways the effective risk of the shipment getting exploded rises to 75%.

    If there is tax for the recieving province this is detracted after the reduction by the explosion.

    Most people only gets to experience explosions occasionally as it is mostly deployed against key provinces to prevent aid to chain targets or from t/m's or other unbreakables in war, in which case it is almost always removed before sending aid, or occasionally to try and starve a province for a few tics which is rarely succesfull unless that province has gone offline in which case they could not ask for aid before they got on again anyway, and if they got on in time they could simply steal.
    You can also encounter explosions after randomming a t/m or someone else unable to retal that will sometimes cast every spell they have avalible at your province to show their displeasure.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Thanks for taking the time to answer that question, it was hard for me to word it properly but you understood. Reason for asking was i thought we could use explosions during eowcf to send and receive out aid and reduce everyone's TB's. But if the receiving province is taxed at the original amount and not the received amount after explosions then it wouldn't work.

  14. #14
    Postaholic chalsdk's Avatar
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    IF you want to fix TB, use TB fix (if this is still a possibility) - Highest posivtive TB shall releas all thives, and the most negative steal runes from him - Send it back.

    on the LL - Its highly Random, but you can get quite a lot of land - I seen as high as 65 acres, and never, ever been in a growth kingdom.

    however - your WPA will suffer, alot, but the honor is solid.

    Its a duble egde sword - Get more peas vs ablity to keep them alive!

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