well I'm all for fighting back instead of giving free stuff and I kind of also want to use relations when given. I'm also a bit angry at fake taggers for continiously devaluating the hostile tag, has gotten two randoms from such kingdoms within the last 24 hours + a few more this week, and the last one even hit my retal so I'm getting back there for sure. I usually outgain opponents on retals but are in it more for the fight than for the gains. I do not however see a point in razing into other peoples wars as it only create enemies and don't really help achieve anything as that is no real fight and it does not come with gains. Waving someone who waved you earlier is fine though, even if they are in a real hostile situation.

I'm not much for using bots or outside communications, but I might set alarms in war on my own account.

If that sounds like something that you are looking for I think I'm ready to give it a try since I don't really have other plans, I'm always attacker and have the most experience running Orc and Avian, I think next age will be an Avian age but are never set on something before the final changes.