It seems like a lot of the suggestions to the Age changes have been that race and pers changes are wanted every age. So i'd like to put forward the idea of a Race/pers rotation. Every age instead of slightly adjusting the numbers on races, just do a complete swap out. 6 active races, and 6 on the bench - 2 choices intended for attacker, 2 intended for Thief, 2 intended for Mage. When the new age rolls around you have a completely different set of races to choose from. Keeps it fresh, forces kingdom tactics to keep shifting.

Even if not 6 in 6 out, could be 3 in 3 out with a consistent 6 available. Then the races dont need to change too much from age to age but it'll still keeps everything feeling fresh. If theres some combo that is broken.. thats fine - it still means its fresh and interesting in the way people are designing tactics to counter or exploit them.