I've tried to make Humans a bit more blank slate, with military science and income being their strength and the arcane being a their weakness.


+30% Income
Income Penalty Protection
+30% Military Science Efficiency

-20% Arcane Science Efficiency
-1 spec strength (off: 5/0, def: 0/5)

Spell book: Greater Protection, Inspire Army, Quick Feet
Elite: Offense: 6 Defense: 6 Networth: 9.5 Cost: 1200
Soldiers: Offense: 1 Defense: 1

So this version of a Human would be one where the idea is that you can make anything out of them. The military science can go either way and you have the numbers to support focusing on defense or offense. You can be an attacker. With attacker buildings and your increased ME sci, you can reach usual attacker numbers. The trade off, of course is that you are weaker to TM ops.