Hi there,

First of all, I want to stress that I applaud the idea to make a more usable game, but with the current implementation you are literally scaring people away. I've seen the complains on discord, in my own kingdom. People don't like being forced :)

Idea 1.
I want to make plea for making munk/utopiabot optional. You said it would improve during the age, but at this point it's not making the game enjoyable. The GUI is really bad, it's not intuitive, Ajax-navigation is breaking stuff (though I do like the speed ;)). Also, if it's an "integrated solution", why is the script injected, and changing the layout after loading? This is gonna be very frustrating with doing ops, this jumping of the layout. Make it optional, pretty pretty please. Since it's loaded the way munkbot was loaded until last age, this should be a really easy fix.

Idea 2. (preferred!)
Let the user select their own integration options. Up to age 79 you could use munkbot-integration, with setting up the link to your own munk account. This option is now gone, and forced to a specific javascript to inject.
What I'd like to see is an account-preference to an injectable javascript. So you set it up in your account preferences, and everywhere you login, you have already configured it, without being reliant on cookies.
I understand that this may sound scary to offer a way to inject "unknown" javascripts into your pages, but you can also make it a static, predefined list, with links to scripts you've vetted, of from people that have earned a reasonable amount of trust ;)

(do note: the way munkbot was integrated until this age already left this option open, which I thankfully abused to provide my own customizations to my kingdom ;) (I used 'myurl/myscript.js?' as a "kingdom" name, and I could inject any script I wanted, because everything after the '?' wouldnt be parsed as url.)

Idea 3.
Separate layout customizations from intel and chat integration. Seeing how it's one single js-file now this might be quite a hassle.

Idea 4. (unfavorable ;))
Let me help out with the integration, haha.