Am I OK? Keeping with the pack or should I stop and do science pump?

HU/TAC Attacker
added 0h accuracy: 100
alchemy: 30.6% (284k)
| tools: 22.9% (303k)
| housing: 14.5% (498k)
| production: 82.3% (168k)
bookkeeping: 10.6% (33k)
| artisan: 6.9% (29k)
| strategy: 15.9% (300k)
| siege: 13.4% (290k)
tactics: 20.7% (395k)
| valor: 10.3% (45k)
| heroism: 10.2% (87k)
| crime: 77.1% (395k)
channeling: 64.5% (183k)
| shielding: 3.8% (19k)
| cunning: 4.4% (11k)
| invocation: 6.7% (14k)
TOTAL books: 3,055k (0 unallocated) and 26 scientists