I'd like to suggest that a forced cf cost the agressor honor, atleast if certain conditions are meet, such as the nw difference beeing 25% or more in favor of the agressor, and the defending kingdom not beeing hostile, maybe the option should also only be possible if the defending kigdom forces cf within the first 24 hours of getting hostile to avoid defending kingdoms intentionally lowering their nw further.

The purpose of this would be to have less oor kingdoms willingly and knowingly go hostile with a much smaller kingdom, and so to speak aim for the lesser kingdom to force a cf.

No meter awareness and the fact that ops now moves the meter means a lot of stupid fights break out with the sole purpose of getting the smaller kingdom to submit and force cf, if you go hostile it should be with the aim of getting a war, if you don't go for a serious target, then I think it would be fair to risk losing 5-10% honor across the board, the defending kingdom should of course not gain honor from forcing cf.

Alternatively you could invent something like infamy points to give a province or kingdom permanent negative buffs for doing dumb stuff like poor target selection or poor meter management.