Maybe I have not paid enough attention lately, or maybe it is due to ever changing names, but I feel utterly confused as to what kingdms can be considdered top kingdoms nowadays, even as I joined up with a few former kingdom fellors and a few strangers to try and compete for racial crowns, and even as I can see the top ranked kingdoms every day ingame.

I am left to wonder who is kingdom xx really and what name did they play under before, are kingdom yy really a top kingdom, and where is kingdom zz that I remember from the past?

In total I am utterly confused, and I know a few kingdoms retired every age and a few might have gotten back together again while others are brand new.

Sometimes I'm left to wonder if any kingdom left in t10 with 25 people on the roaster can be considered a top kingdom these days, and if any group of people that want this enough can achieve this, but I remember a few wars in the past where we was utterly outclassed by top kingdom candidates, so there is definally a line between casual and hardcore still arround, I just can't seem to spot that line anymore and hope that someone can help me out in that regard, or that someone might share ther view on who is top kingdoms and who is not.