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Thread: A Wolves Tale (Short Stories by w1nd)

  1. #31
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Mar 1st Yr6 - Swift Strife

    Adventurer's Diary,
    Day 15.
    Somewhere near wolf mountain,

    I wandered through the storm as drifts of snow blocked all I could see before me, I questioned everything that appeared as I had been out in the cold for so many days now. My new trappings were really proving its worth for the past several fortnights. I heard a scream in the wind, that of a man. I hurried my pace in the direction in case there was another traveler in need. I travelled for what felt like hours, I have some across very big paw prints in the snow here. What ever made these tracks was very large, larger than even the biggest of known wolves. I placed my hand in the print of the beast and my fingertips did not even touch the corners. The print was frozen in the snow which told me it had been some time since their monster had passed through the area. Beasts like these do not normally go away and tend to claim miles of territory as their hunting grounds as they roam wild and free.

    Day 17.
    Two days journey north of wolf mountain,

    It is getting dark now and I can not last much longer out in this frigid land. I have seen no other tracks of the beast that I had seen from days ago and seeing them now felt like aeons ago. I am running out of food and water but I see a light in the distance and is that? Smoke!. I hurried my pace as the storm appeared to calm down ever so slightly just enough to make out what looked like the general store I had been looking for on my map! This means I am where I thought I was! Making sure my shield was secure to my back I sprinted for the store.

    Posted UTOPIA NEWS

  2. #32
    Post Fiend
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    Dec 2018
    The storm howled louder than ten thousand wolves would on the brightest of moons, trees snapped in half like twigs while even larger trees came crashing down from the sheer weight of ice and snow which clung to every inch. Like a siren's song the wind whistled through the branches of the ice covered forests and only grew with intensity as time went on.

    On your feet my friend
    Run, they're closing in
    Follow me for protection
    Keeping you safe from destruction

    I am the one who's sent to save you
    I can replenish what they've taken from you

    I am (am, am, am, am, am)
    The one who's sent to save you

    Howling through the night like a chorus of angels the wind grips the world of legends tight in its grasp, refusing to surrender to the fires of chaos. Daily its breathes life into the world of legends in an effort to snuff out any wills that would seek to destroy her. Forever and always, until the end of time.

    Posted UTOPIA NEWS

  3. #33
    Post Fiend
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    Dec 2018
    Guard Captain's Log
    Human Forest Garrison, WOL province
    Somewhere near the Dark Forest

    Sounds in the night, un holy abominations lurk in the woods beyond our firing line, archers have been getting no sleep and our scouts have not returned with any food for days. The mountain pass is closed off from an avalanche and we are cut off from our capitol city and any reinforcements or supplies. Times look grim and the men wonder if they will ever see their families again.

    Later that night

    Screams, and darkness, all the torches had been snuffed out. As I drew my sword I heard the men downstairs screaming in agony and steel crashing against stone and wood. Blood curdling screams continued to echo up the stairwell, I opened the door slowly, just that moment a great force pushed the door open tossing me across the room and out of the window for the tower. Landing on the snow covered ground with a loud thud, winded and bleeding I coughed blood out onto the ground and used my sword to pick myself up. Looking to the window a hooded figure had its gaze cast upon me for I could feel a sense of fear and impending doom as if death itself was looking at me. Without looking back I ran to the tree line, the only way home was through the Dark forest and around the mountain pass, north. I made the tree line and hid in the bushes gasping for breath and I spat blood out into my hand, careful not to leave too much of a trail.

    somewhere in the Dark Forest

    It felt like countless hours had past, wounded and fatigued from this wicked energy that invaded my very soul. I felt dizzy and stopped against a tree. I caught my breath and looked up, shocked and terrified I found myself back at the Garrison. It was in flames and crumbling from some unknown force. The bushes behind me stirred and I turned around. Eyes wide now, I am surrounded by undead and their master, the necromancer that had syphoned my very essence. I dropped my sword and the world faded to black as I fell to the ground face first into the snow. This was the end...

    Posted UTOPIA NEWS

  4. #34
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    For a very long time I sat on the edge of the mountain looking down at war raging across the world of legends. In the distance I could hear the clash of steel and battle cries as every race of the world slaughtered one another with no regard for the world around them. Closing my eyes I draw a deep breath of cool crisp air and exhale. In my mind I see the warriors dancing on a stage with many faces all pause and look at me as if waiting for my command to attack. I stare at them blankly as if I do not exist and they simply look into the empty air that surrounds me. I close my eyes once again and deeper I travel into a state of trance ascending beyond the immaterial realm of dreamers I connect with my spirit animal. A cold ice cave, I open my eyes and before me stands a great white wolf which beckons me to her side. I walk over to her and sit down head held high as wolf pups rush out from the rear of the cave and in that moment I am home. A blinding light emanates from the entrance ahead where I first opened my eyes and it envelopes all of existence and for a time I feel warm inside. My eyes wide again the warriors have begun their duel to the death for me as I watch. As each combatant falls the stage grows darker and darker until all that can be sensed is the drops of blood slowly cascading off of the survivors axe. I open my eyes and see the battle has concluded below, I turn quickly flicking my tail in the air. I begin the long journey down the side of the mountain in search of my family I had lost so long ago. The only comfort left for me in this world is knowing that there are good forces and they do exist here.

    Posted UTOPIA NEWS

  5. #35
    Post Fiend
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    Dec 2018
    The King mounted his golden stallion as I watched on from the safety of the shadows. Once mounted his horse trotted to the men who stood in formation as if all mirror images cast by a powerful wizard they looked up to him in awe as the golden trim on his armor glimmered in the sun so brightly it was almost blinding he rose his sword in the air and chanted the creed of their kingdom and as one the soldiers chanted it back lifting their banners, swords and heads high to their King. Tonight my warriors we spill the blood of the enemy, tonight even if none of us return home all who witness this war shall speak of our deeds until the end of time! He exclaimed as his war horse kicked its hoofs in the air and let out a powerful whiney and thrashed the air violently as if already assaulting an enemy. ONWARD TO BATTLE AND GLORY! He pointed his sword to the main gates and they opened his horse began to trot towards the portcullis and it raised under its own power as he chanted a magical spell to raise the massive gate his eyes glowed bright blue and the words he spoke were unknown to me. The soldiers followed behind him in unison, the sounds of steel armor clanging and the battle chant filled the air of the courtyard as they marched under the portcullis they all obtained a blue aura as they passed under and in mere minutes they had marched out of sight. I rushed to follow behind them but their quick feet had out marched me and it took me several days to catch up to them. Easy they were to follow as they left corpses of lost orcs and other vile creatures in their path with not one soldier falling.

    Posted UTOPIA NEWS

  6. #36
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Thank you to everyone whos gameplay influenced the path of these mini stories for every edition produced! I leave them here for you all to enjoy.

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