I'm continuing to evaluate optimum roles for each race. This virtual kingdom is based in the idiom of even distribution of race and personality; that's why you don't see, for example, undead cleric. It's an exploration of game balance.

What's demonstrated here is a distribution of race: 3 avian, 3 dark elf, 3 dwarf, 3 elf, 3 faery, 3 halfling, 3 human, 2 orc & 2 undead. And personality: 2 artisan, 3 cleric, 3 heretic, 3 mystic, 3 rogue, 2 sage, 2 shepherd, 3 tactician, 2 war hero, 2 warrior.

Strategically, this virtual kingdom runs an elliptical wave which consists of 5 divisions from gmt zones consisting of Australia, Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe & the Americas. Prime activity for each division is sub 5 hours and was designed for players who want to play in an organized kingdom but lack real life free time. Thus, this is a 24/7 active kingdom template.

The overall strategy is the kingdom protecting the faery, halfling & orc in the 2 spearhead divisions. This is done via net worth zone enforcement through 1) initial max gains, 2) a truncated cross chain and 3) back to a max gain wackamole. Unlike full nightmare waving, the heretics here use a softer approach to offer attackers ample leverage across a net worth field.

We have the avian tacs as "man-to-man" enforcement for the inevitable enemy strays. If there are none they assist the orc and elf in running down enemy t/ms aka near unbreakable.

That's enough for now :-)