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Thread: Age 100 FINAL Changes

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Age 100 FINAL Changes

    Welcome to the Final Changes for Age 100!

    WoL Age 99 End: Saturday, February 4, 2023 @ 00:00 GMT
    WoL Age 100 Open: Saturday, February 4, 2023 @ 20:00 GMT
    WoL Age 100 Start: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 @ 18:00 GMT
    WoL Age 100 End: Saturday, April 15, 2023 @ 00:00 GMT

    General Mechanics
    • Attacks no longer convert Specialists to Elite units.
    • Wizards killed on Massacre Attack increased by ~20%. Thieves killed reduced by ~12%.
    • Explore Pool decay increased to .2% (1500 natural growth cap).
    • EoWCF Explore costs increased from 500% to 600% (from 250% to 300% under Median).
    • Defensive Force Ceasefire removed.
    • Offensive FCF is available
      • After 24 ticks with no combat attacks or dragon sent
      • After 24 ticks of the date the hostility meter reached Hostile
      • Only if you are not in war (including End of War CeaseFire)
      • Only if the target is not in war (including End of War CeaseFire)
      • The 24 tick waiting period will not begin until EoWCF concludes
    • Maximum Hostility Meter reduced from 225 to 180 points.
    • Hostility Meter based Relations throttling is being reintroduced. For every 1 point of hostility meter variance over 90 will result in:
      • a reduction in Gains for the Kingdom with the higher Meter, this will scale linearly from 0 at a 90 point variance up to -75% gains at 180 point variance; and
      • reduced Defensive Military Casualties for the Kingdom with the lower Meter, scaling in the same way from 90 point variance to 180 point variance with military casualties (on defense) reduced linearly from 0% to -50%
    • A Relative Kingdom Networth (RKNW) gains factor is being reintroduced. For targets in a Kingdom with networth less than 50% your own Kingdom NW gains will be reduced by 20%. This will be a linear scale down to 0% gains reduced at 90% relative Kingdom Networth. Gains will not be affected over 90%.
    • The existing War Points system is being removed. A war win will give 1 point, no other points are given. The war win chart will simply list Kingdoms based on the amount of wins they have accumulated.
    • Your Kingdom Page will contain a link to a summarized history of the Kingdom's War victories.
    • Wars may end automatically at 48 ticks, reduced from 72 ticks.
    • Honor Gains in War increased by ~20% for Attacks, Spells and Thievery Operations
    • Minimum Gains in War being increased from ~3.5% to ~4% (+15%)
    • War rewards will be changed as follows:
      - Land awarded at the conclusion of war to the winning Kingdom is now equal to 10% of the losing Kingdom's total Acres after withdrawal which will include the acres returned from armies (10% will be subtracted from each province in the losing Kingdom, distributed evenly to the winner, this will not be modified by the War Tier Bonus).
      - Honor awarded at the conclusion of war to the winning Kingdom is now equal to 5% of the losing Kingdom's total Honor at withdrawal (5% will be subtracted from each province in the losing Kingdom, distributed evenly to the winner, this will not modified by the War Tier Bonus)
      - There will be an additional amount of honor generated and awarded to the winner. This has a minimum amount of 2,500 with no maximum (This will be modified by the War Tier Bonus)
      - The winning Kingdom gains additional Explore Pool, Building and Specialist Credits and Science Books modified by War Tier Bonus
    • War Tier Bonus is now equal to number of Wars won * 5%; maximum 50%. For example, a Kingdom with 5 War Wins is on Tier 5 => 5 Wins * 5% each win = +25% bonus

    • Homes - Birth Rate will no longer increase by a %, instead there will be a flat rate of 0.5 for each acre of Homes
      • Every 2 acres of homes will produce 1 peasant
      • This WILL be modified by Chastity
      • This will NOT be affected by Building Efficiency
      • Normal birth rate will occur, then this flat rate will increase that amount
    • Banks - Income bonus increased to 1.5% (max 37.5%).
    • Libraries - Science Efficiency bonus reduced to 1% (max 25%).

    • Science Book will no longer decay
    • Production Science effect modifier reduced by ~13% (it will be equal to 3x income scaling factor)
    • Invocation Science removed
    • New Arcane Science type added: Finesse - reduced Wizard and Thief losses on failure (this will scale equal to Artisan science with a maximum of 90%)
    • Amnesia and Learn attacks during war will remove books temporarily. These books will return evenly over time, similar to the way Nightmare currently works on Military, except Science book recovery will take place over 24 ticks
    • Learn Attack during War damage increased significantly (base book removal is ~24% before other factors)
    • Amnesia base book removal is ~5.5%
    • Learn Attack outside of War base Gains reduced from 3% of allocated books to 2% of allocated books
    • Scientist Generation per tick increased from 1.5% to 2%
    • Scientist Books per tick reduced from 100/120/140/160 to 70/80/90/100 respectively
    • Scientist production ranks occur at the following books: 1680/5520/12000

    Military and Units
    • Wizard Networth increased to 7
    • Base War Horse strength increased to 3

    • Expose Thieves - Availability changed to War only. Effect changed to reduce stealth per tick by 5% of existing stealth, calculated before new stealth is provided by the tick. The stealth removed will be rounded to the nearest integer
    • Magic Ward - Increase rune costs by 100%
    • Sloth - will have an additional effect: increase Draft Cost by 100%
    • War Spoils - availability changed to All races

    Support Spells - list has been updated:
    • Minor Protection
    • Greater Protection
    • Fertile Lands
    • Magic Shield
    • Natures Blessing
    • Love and Peace
    • Builders Boon
    • Inspire Army
    • Patriotism
    • Wrathful Smite
    • Fanaticism
    • Divine Shield
    • Illuminate Shadows
    • Salvation

    (note: in order to cast a particular Support Spell, you must have access to it)

    • Affluent: removed
    • Barrier: -15% Damage from Enemy Instant Magic & Thievery Operations, +5% Defensive Military Efficiency
    • Expedient: -25% Training Time, -25% Construction Time, +20% Draft Rate
    • Godspeed: -10% Attack Time, -20% Military Casualties
    • Havoc: +20% Offensive WPA & TPA, +10% Instant Spell Damage, +10% Sabotage Damage
    • Onslaught: +10% Offensive Military Efficiency, +15% Enemy Military Casualties on Attacks
    • Stalwart: removed

    Thievery Operations
    • Sabotage Wizards - effect increased (base amount ~22% mana removed). Availability changed to War only.

    • Honor will now also increase food & rune production by 2%
    • Offensive Military Efficiency bonus from honor of 2% is being removed
    • Honor will now provide a bonus to Military Efficiency (Offense and Defense) of 1%

    • Food cost increased by 50%.


    -15% Attack Time
    +15% Enemy Military Casualties

    Access to Aggression, Fanaticism

    +10% Combat Losses
    No Access to Stables and War Horses

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 11/0, 4.4nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/11, 5.5nw
    Elite Unit - 14/5, 850gc 7.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - n/a

    Age 99

    +25% Building Efficiency
    -50% Construction Time
    Free Construction

    Access to Miner's Mystique, Mist, Mystic Aura

    +50% Food Consumption
    Cannot Accelerate Construction

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 13/6, 950gc 7.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw

    Age 99

    +20% Spell Duration
    +5% Military Efficiency

    Access to All Racial Spells

    -10% Population

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/12, 6.0nw
    Elite Unit - 12/6, 7.0nw, 975gc
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw

    Age 99

    +20% Magic Effectiveness (WPA)
    No Runes Needed (excluding Ritual)

    Access to Chastity, Ghost Workers, Gluttony, Invisibility, Magic Ward, Sloth

    -5 Homes Capacity
    -20% Birth Rate

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 4/12, 6.75nw, 900gc
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw

    Age 99

    +10% Population
    +20% Thievery Effectiveness (TPA)
    -30% Thief Cost

    Access to Town Watch


    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 10/4, 625gc 5.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw

    Age 99

    +10% Science Efficiency
    +20% Birth Rate

    Access to Greater Protection, Tree of Gold

    +15% Military Casualties
    +25% Spell Rune Cost

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 12/0, 4.8nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 8/12, 1150gc 8.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw

    Age 99

    +20% Combat Gains
    Free Draft

    Access to Bloodlust

    +15% Damage taken from Instant Spells
    +15% Damage taken from Sabotage Ops

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 14/4, 950gc 6.75nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw

    Age 99

    -50% Offensive Military Casualties
    Spreads and is Immune to the Plague
    No Food Needed

    Access to Animate Dead

    -20% Science Efficiency
    No Access to Hospitals

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 15/4, 850gc, 7.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw

    Age 99


    The Cleric
    -15% Military Casualties
    Immune to the Plague
    Can Cast Support Spells on Kingdom Members
    Access to Divine Shield, Fanaticism, Greater Protection, Illuminate Shadows, Salvation, Wrathful Smite
    Starts with +600 Soldiers, +600 Specialist Credits and +200 Wizards

    Age 99

    The Heretic
    +75% Wizard Production
    -50% Thieves Lost on Failed Thievery Operations
    +20% Spell Damage
    +20% Sabotage Damage
    Access to Amnesia, Fool's Gold, Nightmare, Vermin
    Starts with +400 Thieves and +400 Wizards

    Age 99

    The Merchant
    +30% Income
    30% Protection of Gold from Theft, Plunder, Fool's Gold
    Immune to All Income Penalties
    Access to Clear Sight
    Starts with +600 Soldiers, +600 Specialist Credits and +100k gold

    The Mystic
    +100% Guilds Effectiveness
    +1 Mana Recovery per Tick
    Access to Blizzard, Mage's Fury, Meteor Showers, Pitfalls
    +20% Channeling Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Wizards

    Age 99

    The Rogue
    +100% Thieves' Dens Effectiveness
    +1 Stealth Recovery per Tick
    Access to All Thievery Operations
    +20% Crime Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Thieves

    Age 99

    The Sage
    -50% Science Book Losses on Learn Attacks
    Access to Fountain of Knowledge, Revelation, Scientific Insights
    Starts with +400 Soldiers, +400 Specialist Credits and 3000 Science Books in each Category

    Age 99

    The Shepherd
    -15% Combat Losses
    -15% Damage taken from Instant Spells and Sabotage Operations
    Immune to Droughts, Storms
    Access to Reflect Magic
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    The Tactician
    +1 General
    Enhanced Conquest Attack
    Accurate Espionage
    Access to Quick Feet
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 99

    The War Hero
    +50% Bonuses from Honor
    -30% Honor Loss in Combat
    +5% Military Efficiency in War
    Starts with 800 Elites

    Age 99

    The Warrior
    +15% Offensive Military Efficiency
    -20% Military Wages
    -75% Mercenary Cost
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 99

    • Fixed typo in Age 100 end date (2/4/23 @ 7:02)
    • Clarified afcf
    • Provided more specific details on how Offensive Force CeaseFire works, for clarification (2/6/23 @ 20:26)
    • Clarified homes bonus (8 feb 20:17 gmt)
    • Clarification on several items shown in this color (2/10/23 @ 20:50)
    • Added further clarification to hostility meter throttling (2/10/23 @ 20:57)
    Last edited by DavidC; 11-02-2023 at 01:57. Reason: See Changelog
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