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Thread: Age 104 Revised Changes

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  1. #1
    Director of Age Changes
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Age 104 Revised Changes

    Welcome to the Revised Changes for Age 104!

    WoL Age 103 End: Saturday, December 2, 2023 @ 00:00 GMT

    General Mechanics
    • All Espionage Operations now require 5% Thieves.
    • All Espionage Operations are now 100% accurate.
    • Support Spellcasting mechanic removed.
    • Provinces created/reset during War will start without Soldiers, Military & Building Credits.
    • Provinces in Protection do not count towards the auto-Withdraw mechanic.
    • Minimum EoWCF duration increased to 24 Ticks, 1000% Birthrate bonus reduced from 36 Ticks to 24 Ticks.
    • Removed the set (3%) Birthrate bonus during Protection.
    • Reduced accelerated Training Cost from 2x to 1.5x.
    • Resources/Gains will be standardized:

      Resources are defined as: Land, Gold Coins, Food, Runes, Science Books
      All Attack modifiers that include 'Resource Gains' or 'Resource Losses' will apply to Resources: Race/Personality bonuses and penalties, Castles, Siege Science, Dragons, Rituals, Mist, Anonymity, etc.
      Net Worth Range and GBP/MAP apply as normal, except noted.

      • Traditional March: affected by Resource modifiers
      • Raze: affected by Resource modifiers outside War, ignores Net Worth range
      • Plunder: affected by Resource modifiers
      • Learn: affected by Resource modifiers
      • Massacre: not affected by Resource modifiers
      • Conquest: affected by Resource modifiers
      • Ambush: ignores all Resource modifiers, except Ambush Protection

    • Homes - racial Population bonus now applies to the Capacity bonus.
    • Castles - increased base effect from 1.5% to 2% (max 50%).
    • Universities - Scientist generation bonus reduced from 2% to 1.5% (max 37.5%).

    • Fireball - damage reduced from ~7% to ~6%.
    • Guile - effect reduced from 15% to 10%.
    • Land Lust - Rune Cost modifier increased from 3.5 to 4; reduced maximum gains from 1.35% to 1.25%, gains reduced to 0 when max<0.5 Acres.
    • Meteor Showers - Rune Cost modifier increased from 2.8 to 4, fixed last tick (-) not doing damage.
    • War Spoils - available to all provinces during War.

    • Bribe Generals - added message when effect procs.
    • Kidnap - gains reduced by 20%.
    • Release Prisoners - gains increased by 20%.
    • Riots - effect reduced from -20% to -15%.
    • Spy on Military - greatly reduced difficulty.

    • Barrier: -20% Damage from Enemy Instant Magic & Thievery Operations, -10% Battle (Resource) Losses
    • Expedient: +20% Draft Rate, +10% Building Efficiency
    • Haste: -10% Attack Time, -25% Training Time, -25% Construction Time
    • Havoc : +20% Offensive WPA, +20% Offensive TPA, +10% Spell Damage, +10% Sabotage Damage
    • Onslaught: +10% Offensive Military Efficiency, +15% Enemy Military Casualties on Attacks
    • Stalwart: +5% Defensive Military Efficiency, -20% Military Casualties

    • Mentor timer will now be based on Ticks, and now resets on Month change.
    • Plague effect will be displayed on Throne even when Immune (slightly different message).


    -15% Attack Time
    +20% Birth Rate
    50% Ambush Protection

    Access to Greater Protection

    No Access to Stables and War Horses
    -10% Battle (Resource) Gains

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 14/4, 950gc, 6.75nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - n/a

    Age 103

    Dark Elf
    -50% Spell Rune Cost
    Converts some Specialists to Elites on successful Traditional March and Conquest

    Access to Blizzard, Magic Ward, Mind Focus, Sloth

    -20% Birth Rate

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 11/0, 4.4nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 6/12, 950gc, 7.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 103

    +30% Building Efficiency
    -25% Construction Time

    Access to Miner’s Mistique, Mystic Aura

    +50% Food Consumption

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 13/6, 1000gc, 7.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 103

    +20% Magic Effectiveness (WPA)
    -20% Military Wages

    Access to Chastity, Salvation

    +15% Military Train Cost

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/12, 6.0nw
    Elite Unit - 12/5, 900gc, 6.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 103

    +25% Rune Production
    -1 Self Spell Mana Cost

    Access to All Racial Spells

    -10% Population

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 4/13, 950gc, 7.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 103

    +10% Population
    -15% Military Train Cost
    Can Train Thieves with Military Credits

    Access to Guile, Invisibility, Quick Feet


    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 11/5, 850gc, 6.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 103

    +10 Homes Capacity
    +30% Thievery Effectiveness (TPA)
    -30% Thief Cost

    Access to Aggression, Town Watch, Vermin


    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 12/4, 850gc, 6.0nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 103

    +10% Science Efficiency
    +20% Dragon Slaying Strength

    Access to Fountain of Knowledge, Illuminate Shadows, Tree of Gold

    +20% Military Wages

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 12/0, 4.8nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 7/12, 1000gc, 8.0nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 3/0, 0.9nw

    Age 103

    +20% Battle (Resource) Gains
    Free Draft

    Access to Bloodlust

    -15% Magic Effectiveness (WPA)
    -15% Thievery Effectiveness (TPA)

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 14/3, 900gc, 6.5nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 103

    30% of Military Casualties return as Soldiers
    Spreads and is Immune to the Plague
    No Food Needed

    Access to Animate Dead, Ghost Workers, Mage’s Fury, Pitfalls

    No Access to Hospitals
    No Access to Sabotage Operations

    Soldier - 3/3, 1.5nw
    Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
    Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
    Elite Unit - 14/5, 1000gc, 7.25nw
    Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
    Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
    War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw

    Age 103


    The Artisan
    +50% Building Capacity and Production (Homes, Farms, Banks, Towers, Stables, Dungeons)
    -30% Building Damage taken from Arson, Greater Arson, Tornadoes, Raze Attack
    -50% Construction and Raze Cost
    +25% Artisan Science Efficiency
    Starts with +600 Soldiers, +600 Specialist Credits and +200 Building Credits

    Age 103

    The Cleric
    -30% Military Casualties
    Immune to the Plague
    Access to Reflect Magic, Wrath

    +25% Resilience Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 103

    The Heretic
    +20% Spell Damage
    +20% Sabotage Damage
    +50% Wizard Production
    -50% Thieves lost on Thievery Operations
    Access to Fool’s Gold, Nightmares
    +25% Finesse Science Efficiency
    Starts with +400 Wizards and +400 Thieves

    Age 103

    The Merchant
    +30% Income
    Immune to All Income Penalties
    Access to Clear Sight
    +25% Income Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 103

    The Mystic
    +50% Guilds Effectiveness
    +1 Mana Recovery per Tick
    Access to Meteor Showers
    +25% Channeling Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Wizards

    Age 103

    The Necromancer

    The Rogue
    +50% Thieves' Dens Effectiveness
    +1 Stealth Recovery per Tick
    Access to All Thievery Operations
    +25% Crime Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Thieves

    Age 103

    The Sage

    The Tactician
    -15% Attack Time
    Enhanced Conquest Attack
    Access to Mist
    +25% Siege Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 103

    The War Hero
    +50% Bonuses from Honor
    -30% Honor Loss in Battle
    +5% Military Efficiency in War
    Access to Hero’s Inspiration
    +25% Heroism Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 103

    The Warrior
    +15% Offensive Military Efficiency
    +2 Mercenary Strength
    -75% Mercenary Cost
    +25% Tactics Science Efficiency
    Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits

    Age 103

    Last edited by Avenger; 28-11-2023 at 00:45.
    Discord: Hex | IRC: Hextor / Avenger

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