Congratulations to the winning Kingdoms and Provinces of Age 105!

Thank you to all who played in this round, we hope you enjoyed the age and will compete with us again next age!

And here are the winners of this past age!

Kingdom Winners
Land: Delicious (6:4)
Networth: Delicious (6:4)
Honor: thanks for the war (5:5)
War Wins: Checkmate (6:1)

Province Winners
Land: Jalgir loves Pfannkuchen (6:4) from the Kingdom of: Delicious (6:4)
Networth: Fate1316 is HoneyWalnut Shrimp (6:4) from the Kingdom of: Delicious (6:4)
Honor: Shaolin Cowboy (5:5) from the Kingdom of: thanks for the war (5:5)

Scientist names added at the conclusion of this age are:
Delicious (6:4): Jalgir
Delicious (6:4): Fate1316
thanks for the war (5:5): Coolcobra
Checkmate (6:1): Ayntheas