Welcome to the Revised Changes for Age 107!
WoL Age 106 Open:
WoL Age 106 Start:
WoL Age 106 End:
General Mechanics
- Due to feedback hourly Auto-explore based on pool size has been removed
- This means pool stops growing at 1000 acres, and resets at 2500 acres - additional acres do not get auto explored
- End of war - Explore pool interactions will remain unchanged - if you are >1000 acres of pool you will auto-explore acres when war ends
- Daily Free acres now scale with the age length as 10 + 5*Year of age ( 10 week 0, 15 week 1, 20 week 2….)
- Spell Changes - Revelation adjusted to 20%
- Stance Cooldown - Increased to 48 hours
- Normal:
- No effects, default
- Aggressive::
- +10% Battle (Resource) Gains
- +30% Credits gained in Combat
- +15% Self Offensive Military Casualties
- +10% Instant Spell damage and Sabotage Operation damage
- +20% Military Wages
- Peaceful::
- +15% Income
- +20% Food & Runes Production
- +20% Birth Rate
- -15% Offensive Military Efficiency
- -20% Outgoing Instant Spell damage and Sabotage Operation damage
- Barrier: -20% Damage from Enemy Instant Magic & Thievery Operations, -10% Battle (Resource) Losses
- Expedient: -10% Draft Costs, +10% Building Efficiency
- Haste: -10% Attack Time, -25% Training Time, -25% Construction Time
- Havoc: +20% Offensive WPA, +20% Offensive TPA, +10% Spell Damage, +10% Sabotage Damage
- Onslaught: +10% Offensive Military Efficiency, +15% Enemy Military Casualties on Attacks
- Stalwart: +5% Defensive Military Efficiency, -20% Military Casualties
-30% Attack Time
+40% Birth Rate
Access to Greater Protection,
-10% Battle (Resource) Gains
No Access to Stables and War Horses
Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
Offensive Specialist - 11/0, 4.4nw
Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
Elite Unit - 15/4, 1000gc, 7.25nw
Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
War Horse - n/a
Dark Elf
-70% Spell Rune Cost (excluding Ritual)
Guilds produce Runes at 50% rate of Towers
Can train Thieves with Specialist Credits
Access to, Blizzard, Guile, Invisibility, Mage's Fury
Can not build towers
Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
Offensive Specialist - 13/0, 5.2nw
Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
Elite Unit - 10/10, 1050gc, 8nw
Mercenary - 8/0, 0nw
Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
+30% Building Efficiency
Free Building Construction
-50% Construction Time
-25% Ritual Cost
Access to Miner’s Mystique
Cannot use Accelerated Construction
+50% Food Consumption
Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
Elite Unit - 13/6, 1000gc, 7.5nw
Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
+5% population bonus
+50% wizard generation bonus
-50% damage taken from Assassinate Wizards
Access to Mist, Pitfalls, Salvation, Wrath
+25% training time (can not push you past 24 hours)
Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
Defensive Specialist - 0/12, 6.0nw
Elite Unit - 12/5, 900gc, 6.5nw
Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
+25% Offensive Spell Duration
+25% Self Spell Duration
+1 Mana in War
Access to All Racial Spells
-10% Population
-10% Income
Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
Elite Unit - 4/13, 900gc, 7.25nw
Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
+10% Population
-10% Military Train Cost
-Thievery Dens also provide Watch Tower bonus
Access to Quick Feet, Town Watch, Vermin
-5% Building Efficiency
-12% Income
Can not build WT
Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
Defensive Specialist - 0/11, 5.5nw
Elite Unit - 11/5, 850gc, 6.25nw
Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
+10% Science Efficiency
All Land holds Prisoners (7/acre)
Prisoners convert to leets over time (2% per tick)
Access to Fountain of Knowledge, Tree of Gold
+20% Military Wages
Cannot build dungeons
Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
Elite Unit - 13/5, 950gc, 7nw
Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
War Horse - 2/0, 0.9nw
+25% Battle (Resource) Gains
+20% Military Casualties
Access to, Bloodlust
+10% Military Casualties
-30% TPA/WPA
Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
Offensive Specialist - 10/0, 4.0nw
Defensive Specialist - 0/10, 5.0nw
Elite Unit - 15/4, 1000gc, 7.25nw
Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
-25% Military losses
Spreads and is Immune to the Plague
No Food Needed
Can train Elite Units with specialist credits
Access to Ghost Workers
+50% land lost on ambush (return 75% of land instead of 50%)
Soldier - 3/0, 0.75nw
Offensive Specialist - 9/0, 3.6nw
Defensive Specialist - 0/12, 6.0nw
Elite Unit - 14/1, 800gc, 5.5nw
Mercenary - 8/0, 0.0nw
Prisoner - 8/0, 1.6nw
War Horse - 2/0, 0.6nw
The Sage
-20% Attack Time on Learns
+20% Science effectiveness
Starts with one extra scientist
Cannot use Libraries
Access to Revelation
Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits
The Merchant
+30% Income
Immune to All Income Penalties
100% successful on espionage ops at double stealth costs
Access to Clear Sight
+25% Income Science Efficiency
Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits
The Artisan
+50% Building Capacity and Production (Homes, Banks, Farms, Stables, Towers, Dungeons)
+50% Building Credits gained in Combat
-20% Building Damage taken from Arson, Greater Arson, Tornado, Raze
+20% Artisan Science Efficiency
+20% Bookkeeping Science Efficiency
Starts with +600 Soldiers, +600 Specialist Credits and +200 Building Credits
The Cleric
100% of Military Casualties return as Soldiers
Soldiers convert to Offensive and Defensive Specialists over time (2%/2%)
Immune to the Plague
Access to Divine Shield, Illuminate Shadows
+25% Resilience Science Efficiency
Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits
The Heretic
+20% Spell Damage
+20% Sabotage Damage
+50% Wizard Production
-50% Thieves lost on Thievery Operations
Access to Fool’s Gold, Nightmares
+20% Crime Science Efficiency
+20% Channeling Science Efficiency
Starts with +400 Wizards and +400 Thieves
The Mystic
+50% Guilds Effectiveness
+1 Mana Recovery per Tick
Access to Magic Ward, Meteor Showers, Mind Focus, Chastity
+25% Channeling Science Efficiency
Starts with +800 Wizards
The Rogue
+50% Thieves' Dens Effectiveness
+1 Stealth Recovery per Tick
Access to All Thievery Operations
+25% Crime Science Efficiency
Starts with +800 Thieves
The Shepherd
-15% Battle (Resource) Losses
-15% Damage taken from Instant Spells and Sabotage Operations
+1 General
Immune to Droughts, Storms
Access to Reflect Magic
+20% Production Science Efficiency
Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits
The War Hero
+60% Bonuses from Honor
-30% Honor Loss in Battle
Converts Offensive Specialists to Elites on Successful Trad March and Conquest
Access to Animate Dead, Mist
+25% Strategy Science Efficiency
Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits
The Warrior
+15% Offensive Military Efficiency
+2 Mercenary & Prisoner Strength
-80% Mercenary Cost
Access to Aggression
+25% Tactics Science Efficiency
Starts with +800 Soldiers and +800 Specialist Credits
- age date