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Thread: A Resolution: On Ethics and Top Play

  1. #1
    Post Fiend
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    Nov 2009

    A Resolution: On Ethics and Top Play

    To Whom it May Concern,

    There was a great deal of forum drama after RBL's recent war with PewPew. They chose to fight a war on their terms for what they valued, which unfortunately was not in line with how top kds generally fight one another. As a result of the way that war unfolded, kingdoms who previously held a large lead in acres over us suddenly faced the prospect of a large deficit, and began to demand that we withdraw. To their credit, those demands were withdrawn, but the end result was a situation that nobody was happy with.

    Over the last few days, a great deal of conversation has taken place, both in public and in private. Rage (the kingdom which became RBL and still has some long time Rage players) lost three separate age crowns due to similar situations where a kd chose to farm to a 3rd party. None of us who played through those ages and invested the incredible amount of time and energy into being #1 as the age neared a close will soon forget how angry and helpless it made us feel to watch those situations unfold.

    As most reading this thread will know, the loose alliance of kds who felt that it was unfair to them to be passed in such a manner initially insisted that RBL intra-raze acres in exchange for some sort of CF, in the name of fair play. For a couple reasons, I felt that this didn't really demonstrate fair play, which have been discussed to exhaustion in the other thread.

    Much to the credit of all parties involved, the ultimate desire was for the intentional farm out in this case to not be the deciding factor in who won the crown this age. I did not want to punish my players for doing nothing wrong, but I also did not want to subject other kingdoms to the same thing that cost my kingdom several age crowns.

    I offered, very early on in the process, to simply remove my kingdom from the race for #1. While this was initially rejected, understandably in light of last age's actions by a different kd, much of yesterday and last night diplomacy went on to find a way to make this work. In the end, the result of the diplomacy was the following agreement:

    We stop pursuing #1 land and EOA CeaseFired AMA, BB and EJ. We have been asked to keep our growth limited to 210k as an upper limit. It is possible that one kingdom who we do not have an EOA CF with may come to war us late in the age, and if that happens we were asked to raze ourselves back down to #2 land should we win that war and find ourselves again in #1.

    It is my hope that by taking my kingdom out of the running voluntarily and putting the full weight of my actions and my deeds behind the idea of playing clean and fair in the top that all of the top kds will set aside the rampant dirty play and dealbreaking which has marred the last few ages, and return to playing honestly and fighting their fights fair and hard. Sometimes you have the advantage, and sometimes you don't. There's always the next war and the next age, and I believe that if you have to play dirty or profit from someone else playing in a way that is not generally accepted, then it's not worth winning that way.

    I have spoken to many leaders in the game since I became the monarch of the kingdom, and I have always said that our core ethos was to fight hard and to fight clean. I could not say that if I took advantage of this situation and tried to leverage it to take the #1 land spot this age. That is why I made the offer, and ultimately why this situation has now been resolved without any deal-breaking or gang-banging or other dirty play.

    I would like to thank Elit, Flogger, Pendel, Protector and MrCurious for trusting in my personal honesty enough to make this agreement in good faith. I also would like to compliment them for choosing a solution that leaves the race essentially the way it was before, with the exception of RBL being out of the race voluntarily. They could very easily have simply done what they liked and profited from the situation and nobody could really have stopped them. They have shown a sense of fair play and ethics together with us.

    It is my hope and desire that all of us who play at the top and compete for the top finishes can find common ground and a set of ethics that we can all agree upon and which we will all agree to uphold, no matter whether the offender is a friend or an adversary. I believe that until we do, each age will continue to be marred by incidents such as those from the last few ages.

    I hope everyone has a great rest of this age and look forward to seeing you all on the battlefield in a couple weeks when the next age comes up. I have requested that the players in my kingdom not post for the time being, especially in this thread, but some of them were deeply angered by the threats and accusations leveled towards them and would have preferred that we fight. I hope in time that they will understand and accept that we would not be who we say we are without our actions matching our words.

    So please excuse anyone who is still upset and posts out of that anger and frustration. Every one of us has been angry and spoken in anger things which we otherwise would not say. To those still fighting for the age, I wish you all the best of luck and hope you enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

    Monarch - Rumours, Bargains, and Lies (Formerly - Rage of Absalom)

  2. #2
    Post Fiend Dexington's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    +1 Drixx

    It is an honor to read a post by someone with such honor. I truly hope that your actions here will push the rest of the players in this game to strive to have the honor that you have displayed.

    I think this situation could have been handled better by ABJ but the end result is a good one for everyone involved. This situation should be used as a learning experience for ABJ, work things out in private before anything can even remotely become public.

    Kudos to those that worked out the deal, Flogger I am sorry for the awful things Mike said to you can we still be best friends?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Forum Fanatic Binar's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    how civil and boring

    Non of my nubs speak for my KD

  5. #5
    Post Fiend Depravity's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    Sinners NA
    You are worthless.
    Your kingdom is worthless.

    I sincerely hope that everybody realizes what has happened this age.

    1) An agreement for CF/NAP is not valid until exact terms are agreed upon.
    2) Kingdoms may not renegiotiate the terms of their CFs and NAPs unless they obtain prior approval from the domineering alliance of the age. Current that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    3) It is not OK to find a conflict after being noticed. Even if you have no intention of fighting the KD giving notice.
    4) It it not OK to go to war without prior approve of the domineering alliance of the age. Currently that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    5) When threatened by said kingdoms, the correct course of action is to either intra-raze or promise to let them win.
    6) It is OK to hit into an active war.
    7) Arranged wars are fake wars.

  7. #7
    Forum Fanatic
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    Toronto, Canada
    where the f*** is my namedrop

    The Jerks.

  8. #8
    Veteran PhoenixScorpion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    You are worthless.
    Your kingdom is worthless.

    I sincerely hope that everybody realizes what has happened this age.

    1) An agreement for CF/NAP is not valid until exact terms are agreed upon.
    2) Kingdoms may not renegiotiate the terms of their CFs and NAPs unless they obtain prior approval from the domineering alliance of the age. Current that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    3) It is not OK to find a conflict after being noticed. Even if you have no intention of fighting the KD giving notice.
    4) It it not OK to go to war without prior approve of the domineering alliance of the age. Currently that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    5) When threatened by said kingdoms, the correct course of action is to either intra-raze or promise to let them win.
    6) It is OK to hit into an active war.
    7) Arranged wars are fake wars.
    +1 <3
    Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis, voca me cum benedictis.


    Idol to the Utopian Masses - 6 Time Crown King - Debauched Playboy - Leader of the Utopian Free World

    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Farming isn't cheating. He out ****played the server, a win is a win.

  9. #9
    I like to post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexington View Post
    +1 Drixx

    It is an honor to read a post by someone with such honor. I truly hope that your actions here will push the rest of the players in this game to strive to have the honor that you have displayed.

    I think this situation could have been handled better by ABJ but the end result is a good one for everyone involved. This situation should be used as a learning experience for ABJ, work things out in private before anything can even remotely become public.

    Kudos to those that worked out the deal, Flogger I am sorry for the awful things Mike said to you can we still be best friends?
    Situation cant be solved better and all sides worked much for make this compromise.
    Personally i spend last 3 days talk with so many people from all Kingdoms in top (CR/Fratzia/pyromaniac) asking for his opinion and looking for most fair deal to all included sides. Accept this deal was incredible hard for me because we had basically similar deal last age with SWEA. When Pew Pew decide to farm out Mansoor promise he will back acres to us so we will keep chart unchanged but he didn't keep his promise.
    Hope this time we will have good example on ppl keep his deal and farm out not work.
    “the mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

    “I should've suspected trouble when the coffee failed to arrive.”
    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

  10. #10
    Post Fiend
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    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    You are worthless.
    Your kingdom is worthless.

    I sincerely hope that everybody realizes what has happened this age.

    1) An agreement for CF/NAP is not valid until exact terms are agreed upon.
    2) Kingdoms may not renegiotiate the terms of their CFs and NAPs unless they obtain prior approval from the domineering alliance of the age. Current that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    3) It is not OK to find a conflict after being noticed. Even if you have no intention of fighting the KD giving notice.
    4) It it not OK to go to war without prior approve of the domineering alliance of the age. Currently that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    5) When threatened by said kingdoms, the correct course of action is to either intra-raze or promise to let them win.
    6) It is OK to hit into an active war.
    7) Arranged wars are fake wars.
    Everyone who sat back and allowed all of those separate events to happen shares equal responsibility for that. If everyone thought AMA and BB and EJ were in the wrong for demanding anything from us and insisting that BB could call our war "fake" and thus break their deal with us had stepped up and said "we won't allow you to do that", then that would have been one thing. There was no such groundswell of pushback against their position. I therefore took the only honorable option I had, rather than farm out myself.

    I don't agree with any of the 7 statements you made, and I called for an end to such nonsense in my OP.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    You are worthless.
    Your kingdom is worthless.

    I sincerely hope that everybody realizes what has happened this age.

    1) An agreement for CF/NAP is not valid until exact terms are agreed upon.
    2) Kingdoms may not renegiotiate the terms of their CFs and NAPs unless they obtain prior approval from the domineering alliance of the age. Current that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    3) It is not OK to find a conflict after being noticed. Even if you have no intention of fighting the KD giving notice.
    4) It it not OK to go to war without prior approve of the domineering alliance of the age. Currently that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    5) When threatened by said kingdoms, the correct course of action is to either intra-raze or promise to let them win.
    6) It is OK to hit into an active war.
    7) Arranged wars are fake wars.
    Elit and co ruining past 58ages of play by what is being decided here.

    Now everyone knows CFs with Elit and Co are worth nothing

  12. #12
    I like to post
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retard` View Post
    Elit and co ruining past 58ages of play by what is being decided here.

    Now everyone knows CFs with Elit and Co are worth nothing
    Im keep all my deals so your trolling mean noting.
    “the mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

    “I should've suspected trouble when the coffee failed to arrive.”
    ― Frank Herbert, Dune

  13. #13
    Post Fiend
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elit View Post
    Im keep all my deals so your trolling mean noting.

    No, you constantly renegotiate them and that's what you tried again with Rage. I'm sure that by the end of the age you'll find a magical way to screw Drixx over and blaim him for it.

  14. #14
    Strategy Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    I sincerely hope that everybody realizes what has happened this age.
    For once i agree with Pillz, show some balls and either GB rage because u cant beat them fairly or let them win because they got to farm pewpew. Diplomacy & personalities wins at the top. Everyone had their fair chance to farm pewpew and only rage manged to do it. This is one way for EJ, AMA, BB to all "win," but if i were up there i'd rather lose fighting that win talking. :(

  15. #15
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    You are worthless.
    Your kingdom is worthless.

    I sincerely hope that everybody realizes what has happened this age.

    1) An agreement for CF/NAP is not valid until exact terms are agreed upon.
    2) Kingdoms may not renegiotiate the terms of their CFs and NAPs unless they obtain prior approval from the domineering alliance of the age. Current that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    3) It is not OK to find a conflict after being noticed. Even if you have no intention of fighting the KD giving notice.
    4) It it not OK to go to war without prior approve of the domineering alliance of the age. Currently that is the unnamed alliance consisting of AMA, BB, and EJ.
    5) When threatened by said kingdoms, the correct course of action is to either intra-raze or promise to let them win.
    6) It is OK to hit into an active war.
    7) Arranged wars are fake wars.
    8) Pillz made a lot of very bad predictions

    Welcome back

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