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Thread: To the Game Admins

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    To the Game Admins

    So, after the whole debacle involving 1:9, 6:2 and 6:4 (us), 1 of our players is leaving and another 3 have expressed an intention to leave at the end of this age directly as a result of (what we feel is) unfair action by the powers that be.

    We had no prior messages or arrangements with anyone in 1:9. They sent us a war proposal and we accepted. WAR!

    Halfway through, an admin comes in with his ban hammer and the next thing we know, we're in a MP about 24 hours short of min time.

    We have no build credits with which to switch builds, no spec credits with which to train armies and our ritual calc planning has gone out of the window.

    What sticks in our gullet though is this, why did the admins feel the need to take action? Nothing was explained to us, save for a short note about how it's going to be for the rest of eowcf.

    Why have proposed wars if you think they can be abused? Abolish the whole thing and make waving the only way to get to war again.

    Since the precedent has been set, if we are in the future waved by another larger kingdom and start spamming proposals for an escape war, we would rightfully expect for the admins to interfere before min time if we end up getting smashed by the kingdom that accepted our war proposal, because, you know, consistency?

    What further pushes that stick in our gullet down to our bowels is the fact that this situation was indirectly enforced on everybody due to the forced merger change that got implemented this age, leaving 1:9 split down the middle with a king who try to get nasty with the rebellion. That's fine, I've been playing UT for a long time and intra kingdom wars can be exciting. But why do we, as the innocent party get punished for what the other kingdom did (which was within the rules of the game in the 1st place)?

    I can only speculate the admins felt sorry for 1:9 which was why they did what they did. Now, can they feel sorry for us and give us 100k honor pls?

    Tired and disgusted,
    - M -

  2. #2
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Sinners NA
    Crying for no reason. While I agree that this is a tricky situation, your kd really didn't suffer except the time wasted in eowcf

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    I hope all of you fake warring, whiny babies leave this game and never come back. If you can't play by the rules gtfo.

  4. #4
    Regular ellivort's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Don't do sketchy **** and you won't get actioned. Most of us do it everyday. Play by the rules.
    "She was a vixen and though she be but little, she is fierce"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ellivort View Post
    Don't do sketchy **** and you won't get actioned. Most of us do it everyday. Play by the rules.
    Did you read the post? If he's telling the truth then all his KD is guilty of is accepting a war proposal. Sure it's one of those too good to be true moments when a crap KD proposes war, but I agree, if it is apparently so easily abused just take it out of the game.

    If he's lieing about the circumstances then yes, good riddance to the cheaters.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    If it sounds too good to be true it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a player to judge that accepting the war proposal is a violation of game rules. Otherwise you are a CHEATER.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by realm of ding dong View Post
    If it sounds too good to be true it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a player to judge that accepting the war proposal is a violation of game rules. Otherwise you are a CHEATER.

    So, if my king decides to propose war on the no.1 kd in the world and they accept, fault lies with them?

    I ask this because no where in the game rules does it state outright that accepting a war proposal is wrong. If you could kindly link me to an official version of what you said, I'll advise kd leadership to steer clear of both proposing war and accepting war proposals from now on.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillz View Post
    Crying for no reason. While I agree that this is a tricky situation, your kd really didn't suffer except the time wasted in eowcf
    Except it's not really an eowcf is it? Since there was no war. Even the losers of the war get build creds man.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by emerix View Post

    So, if my king decides to propose war on the no.1 kd in the world and they accept, fault lies with them?

    I ask this because no where in the game rules does it state outright that accepting a war proposal is wrong. If you could kindly link me to an official version of what you said, I'll advise kd leadership to steer clear of both proposing war and accepting war proposals from now on.
    There's PLENTY of precedence for kingdoms getting actioned for nothing other than accepting war proposals. It's not IN the "game rules" but anyone should KNOW that based on game history and because everyone is OMNISCIENT.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by realm of ding dong View Post
    There's PLENTY of precedence for kingdoms getting actioned for nothing other than accepting war proposals. It's not IN the "game rules" but anyone should KNOW that based on game history and because everyone is OMNISCIENT.
    There is? War proposals were introduced as a game mechanic only last age. Would love to have a look at some of these precedents.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by emerix View Post
    There is? War proposals were introduced as a game mechanic only last age. Would love to have a look at some of these precedents.
    Forget about precedence for a second. You dont NEED to be a historian of the game. Here, I quote, from the official game rules: "Players attempting to manipulate rules and quirks of the game in ways obviously not intended may be subject to deletion.

    It should be very clear to any thinking person that your war was in DIRECT VIOLATION of the game rules. I'm not sure exactly how to spell out what constitutes a fake war other than by quoting you the rules, which are unambiguous and unequivocal.

    Or from the Game wiki, in case you are a total moron and the game rules weren't clear enough.

    "Any informal or formal agreements made between kingdoms in regards to warring must abide by the Code of Conduct. Violations may cause the war to be deemed a Fake War. Fake Wars are subject to actions by the game operators. As the determination for a Fake War is made on a case-by-case basis by the game operators, the exact punishment may vary.
    Ways a war can be faked (Please note, this is just an idea and not a comprehensive list):
    Requesting specific people be targeted by opposing kingdom or accepting to action a request from the opposing monarch.
    Non-aggression pact during war of any duration and at any time.
    Attempts to manipulate war-win rankings using friends to initiate multiple wars.
    Agreement to trading acres for a war win.
    "Ending" a war before minimum war duration."

    It couldn't be any more BLINDINGLY obvious that your specific war, as you explain it, INCONTROVERTIBLY failed to "abide by the Code of Conduct."

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by game rules
    Any informal or formal agreements.
    I really think this is what trips most people up. People, it doesn't MATTER if it's formal OR informal. Some people think if they don't get the agreement NOTARIZED or if they don't print it on fancy stationery then somehow it's "OK" to make the agreement. NOT the case. READ THE RULES PEOPLE.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by realm of ding dong View Post
    Forget about precedence for a second. You dont NEED to be a historian of the game. Here, I quote, from the official game rules: "Players attempting to manipulate rules and quirks of the game in ways obviously not intended may be subject to deletion.

    It should be very clear to any thinking person that your war was in DIRECT VIOLATION of the game rules. I'm not sure exactly how to spell out what constitutes a fake war other than by quoting you the rules, which are unambiguous and unequivocal.

    Or from the Game wiki, in case you are a total moron and the game rules weren't clear enough.

    "Any informal or formal agreements made between kingdoms in regards to warring must abide by the Code of Conduct. Violations may cause the war to be deemed a Fake War. Fake Wars are subject to actions by the game operators. As the determination for a Fake War is made on a case-by-case basis by the game operators, the exact punishment may vary.
    Ways a war can be faked (Please note, this is just an idea and not a comprehensive list):
    Requesting specific people be targeted by opposing kingdom or accepting to action a request from the opposing monarch.
    Non-aggression pact during war of any duration and at any time.
    Attempts to manipulate war-win rankings using friends to initiate multiple wars.
    Agreement to trading acres for a war win.
    "Ending" a war before minimum war duration."

    It couldn't be any more BLINDINGLY obvious that your specific war, as you explain it, INCONTROVERTIBLY failed to "abide by the Code of Conduct."
    See this line in my post:-

    "We had no prior messages or arrangements with anyone in 1:9. They sent us a war proposal and we accepted. WAR!"

    No manipulation, no pre-arrangements, no informal agreements, no formal agreements. If anything it was 1:9 that wanted us to:-

    1] target specific provs only; and/or
    2] stop attacks/ops in exchange for a guaranteed min time withdrawal;

    to which we replied that "we're sorry but we cannot agree because that would be a fake war but we have sympathy for your situation so if an admin says its ok for us to back off til min time, we'll back off."

    So, how was our war in DIRECT VIOLATION of the game rules as you so eloquently put it?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by realm of ding dong View Post
    I really think this is what trips most people up. People, it doesn't MATTER if it's formal OR informal. Some people think if they don't get the agreement NOTARIZED or if they don't print it on fancy stationery then somehow it's "OK" to make the agreement. NOT the case. READ THE RULES PEOPLE.
    There were no agreements!! Nothing! We refused to agree to anything!!

    edit: there was NO communication prior to acceptance of 1:9's proposal.

    there was communication but NO AGREEMENT following the declaration of war.

  15. #15
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    But from the sound of it you didnt get punished at all, you should be happy. A war that is fake cant be allowed to continue even if its just fake from one side. True you got sorta indirectly "punished" but there is no other feasiable option.

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