If you plan on voting in the 2008 presidential election, which you really should be, more then likely you feel you have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. You can either choose Barack Obama or John McCain. My question is, why?

Why would you want 4 more years of empty promises and more declining progress? Thats what you'll get if you elect Barack Obama or John McCain. Both of these men are horrible choices and I'm sure some of you cringe at the thought of either having to vote McCain or Obama simply because you don't like the other.

What few people know right now though, due to very little media coverage, is that there is indeed a 3rd candidate for president, and that is Libertarian Bob Barr.

Bob Barr is not afraid to cover all of the topics. He knows the issues and he knows what he wants to do to solve the problems that we face. If you haven't noticed yet, neither Barack Obama or John McCain has really talked about all of the issues that we face, and when they have covered some of them, they promise a lot, but give no actual plan to accomplish their goals.

Both Barack Obama and John McCain want to increase the size of our government, spend more money, ignore our debt problems, and impose the government's will on everyone's personal life. Bob Barr believes that an individual has rights and liberties, and that the government is here to represent and protect you, not dictate to you how you live your life.

I urge everyone to vote for Bob Barr come election day in November if you are interested in some real change. Bob Barr has a stance on every major issue we face with a plan for each one. I encourage everyone to do their own research and decide for themselves if Bob Barr represents their best interests.

If you don't vote, you should really consider registering and voting this year, it matters more then you know. It's easy to say, well one vote doesn't matter, or it doesn't matter who is in office, its all going to be the same. It matters because it can change your lifestyle depending on who is elected. Big government and big spending takes money and liberties from you, even if you don't vote. Bob Barr is for small government and will reduce your taxes, putting more money in your pocket and giving you more control over your life.

A vote for a 3rd party candidate is not wasted, it is a vote for true change. The leading reason why your vote matters though, if Bob Barr gets at least 5% of the total vote, he will secure Libertarian access to the ballots and will help establish a stronger position for the Libertarian Party, no vote is wasted. Both Barack Obama and John McCain are highly unpopular, don't let the polls fool you; with the right attention, Bob Barr can be your next President.