How many people in a few Irc chat rooms can you round up at a single momment when you need to do some major damage with the least effort?

How can you envite every single person you met in Utopia from the ages of recruiting for alliances and grass feed? Imagine all the people that told me to shove HaJ up my ying-yang when I was incharge of the entire department. Imagine all the friends I made in the process. :)

Imagine how I required each and every single one to have MSN or I would not even speak to them. Including LOTS of good people I met through the ages that turned into good friends from HaJ, SF, 9F, ABS, NeXT, Almond, KLA, Lotus, TA, BruteF (hehe), TF, just to name a few. EVEN THE PEOPLE WHO HATE ME, me even if I find them in Genesis.

Tell me how iRC is better then MSN when your secluded to your 1 and only chat room family with occasional people who say "hi", just because they know a few other people you know.

Tell me how your old iRC program is best.